Adverbs - Affirmation, Negation and Doubt Flashcards
What does “sí” mean? (2) What does it indicate?
- yes, indeed
2. It indicates assent, affirmation, acceptance or agreement.
How else is “sí” used? (2)
- To emphasize an affirmation.
2. To seek confirmation in questions.
Carolina me preguntó si todo estaba listo para la reunión y le dije que sí, que no se preocupara de nada.
Carolina asked me if everything was ready for the meeting and I told her yes, that she didn’t have to worry about anything.
- La nueva novia de Paco es guapísima.
- Ella sí es una belleza y no su exnovia.
- Paco’s new girlfriend is beautiful.
- She is a beauty indeed and not her ex-girlfriend.
What does “también” mean? (2) What does it indicate?
- also, too
2. It is used to show agreement with something someone says or does.
Mariano también va a venir al cine esta noche.
Mariano is also coming to the movies tonight.
- A mí me gusta mucho el helado de chocolate.
- A mí también.
- I love chocolate ice cream.
- I do too.
Name 5 -mente adverbs which express affirmation.
- ciertamente (certainly),
- efectivamente (certainly),
- verdaderamente (truly),
- seguramente (very likely),
- obviamente (obviously).
La habitación de hotel que nos dieron no era la misma que vimos en Internet. Obviamente nos quejamos y nos cambiaron a otra como la que habíamos reservado.
The hotel room they put us in wasn’t the same one we saw online. We obviously complained and they changed us to another like the one we had booked.
Creo que me he dejado mi móvil en tu coche… Efectivamente, aquí está.
I think I left my cell phone in your car… It certainly is here.
What does “no” indicate? (3)
- negation
- disagreement or
- denial
No vais a salir este fin de semana porque estáis castigados por sacar malas notas en la escuela.
You are not going out this weekend because you’re grounded for getting bad grades in school.
- ¿Has visto la nueva película de Almodóvar?
- No, pero tengo muchas ganas de verla.
- Have you seen the new Almodóvar movie?
- No, but I am dying to see it.
What does “nunca/jamás” mean? (2)
What types of adverb are they? (2)
Why are they these types?
- never, ever
- They are adverbs of time and negative adverbs.
- Because they are used in negative sentence and imply time reference.
Nunca llegaremos a tiempo al aeropuerto y vamos a perder el vuelo.
We’ll never make it to the airport on time and we’ll miss the flight.
Jamás digas mentiras o te crecerá la nariz como a Pinocho.
Don’t you ever tell lies or your nose will grow like Pinocchio’s
What does “tampoco” mean? (2) How is it used?
- either/neither
2. It is used to show disagreement or agreement on something that couldn’t be said or done.
- A nosotros no nos gusta la sandía.
- A nosotros tampoco nos gusta.
- We don’t like watermelon.
- We don’t like watermelon either.
Nosotros tampoco pudimos asistir a la boda de Sergio y Marisa pero entendieron el motivo por el que no pudimos ir
We couldn’t attend Sergio and Marisa’s wedding either but they understood why we couldn’t make it.
what do adverbs of doubt indicate? (3)
These adverbs express insecurity, fear, or hope related to the action.
what does “quizá(s)” mean? (2) what does it indicate?
- maybe, perhaps
2. It indicates the possibility of something.
Ya estoy cansado de este piso. Quizás debería mudarme.
I’m already tired of this apartment. Perhaps I should move.
Creo que el asesino es el mayordomo. O quizá sea la criada, no estoy seguro aún.
I think the killer might be the butler. Or maybe the maid, I’m not sure yet.
what does “igual” and “acaso” mean? (2) How are they used?
- maybe, just in case
2. They are used in situations where we want to imply something might happen.
Dime a qué hora comienza el partido por si acaso puedo ir.
Tell me what time the match starts just in case I can make it.
Dime a qué hora empieza tu fiesta igual puedo pasarme un rato.
Tell me what time your party starts maybe I can stop by.
Name 3 -mente adverbs which express uncertainty. What tense is the accompanying verb?
- probablemente (probably),
- posiblemente (possibly),
- seguramente (probably)
The subjunctive
Si mañana hace sol, probablemente vayamos a la piscina.
If tomorrow is sunny, we’ll probably go to the pool.
Mi madre no ha vuelto a casa aún. Seguramente aún esté en casa de mi tía, voy a llamarla.
My mother is not back home yet. Probably she’s still at my aunt’s house, I’m going to call her.