Advanced Estate Planning Flashcards
Gift over provision
who receives gift if someone predeceases testator, or if at all.
gift no longer in estate because it was gifted prior to death, beneficiary may say a gift was intended at death and other beneficiaries may believe there was a presumption of advancement.
Minor Will exceptions and capacity determinations
marine, minors with dependents, minors with significant resources, emancipated minors. capacity based on if they know they’re making a will (addressing affairs upon death), understand they are distributing property, understand who it’s being left to .
Commercial (REITs and mutual fund trusts)
Institutions act as trustees for registered plans (TFSA, RDSP, RRSP, RRIF)
Valid Trust Certainty Requirements
Certainty of intention - settlor intended to create trust (doesn’t have to be explicit)
certainty of subject matter - must specify property that is dealt with
certainty of objects - beneficiary must be identifiable (can name ‘grandchildren’ or name specific people)
Parties to a trust
Settlor - person who contributes more than 50% of total value into trust becomes settlor for tax purposes. cannot alter and has no responsibilities after settlement
Beneficiary - beneficial ownership but not legal
Trustee - has fiduciary duty to the trust. trust is considered resident where the settlor is resident (if settlor continues to influence the trustee).
Trust taxation
flow through to beneficiary. no disposition when transferring property out to beneficial owner. can’t flow out losses to beneficiary. LCGE can be used in personal trust (meaning non commercial, beneficiary didnt pay to become a beneficiary).
Alter Ego Trust
no change of beneficial ownership transferring into the trust
Rollover in trust rule
person to which the rollover applies must be the only to benefit from trust during their lifetime
Trust can pick year end but can’t be more than 12 months after date of death or since last year end. Has year end of dec 31st after 3 years. no access to AMT
Disability trust
joint election by trustee and beneficiary, on disabled beneficiaries can access trust capital (or taxes are undone). dec 31st year end. doesn;t necessarily need to be eligible for disability tax credit if related
21 year rule and trusts not subject
settlor must be 65 or over when trust is settled. alter ego trust (take care of assets as you age, untrusting of family), spousal trust, joint spousal trust (spouse and settlor are beneficiaries), charitable trust, commercial trust.
Taxes at the end of life interest
Can be borne by the trust or the personal holding the life interest personally
Revocable Trust
all income/gains revert to contributor and it could lose creditor protection
Fixed vs discretionary trust
discretionary - can decide, when ,whom and how much is paid out. everything could be paid to one beneficiary and the others ignored (henson trust is common example)
fixed - more specific, but can also be broad. even where conditions are in place, beneficiary still has fixed interest in the trust
with conditions (contingent trust) conditions can’t be contrary to public policy (can’t revoke a gift due to marrying a swedish person)
US Estate taxes (situs assets included)
1) Situs assets over 60k (us property, cars/boats located permanently in us, shares in us companies (bought in canadian account), 401 and 403 plans, debt instruments (except CDs or t-bills), gifts that donor retains interest in, us business interests, cash in brokerage accounts. not included is cad etfs, us bank accounts(personal), adrs, t-bills or cd’s
2)worldwide assets of 13,600,000 (USD). includes life insurance policy with incident of ownership (can name beneficiaries or borrow against policy) joint property counts fully on each death.
Estate Tax Calculation
US assets/total assets = (6% for example)
6% * unified tax credit (4 million) =tax credit provided
US assets * estate tax 40% - tax credit = estate tax payable.
US tax payable can be used as credit to offset or mitigate Canadian capital gains tax
Tax planning on death
can rollover rrsp, rrif, lira, lif partially. can only transfer capital property at fmv or acb.
Estate Capital Loss carryback
Can carry back capital loss in first year of estate and use it against terminal, can;t after first year.
4 types of returns
rights and things, terminal return, partnership, testamentary trust.
employer death benefit amount and tax status
tax free 10k
medical expenses
can be based on any 12 month rolling period
Estate Freeze Types
Inter vivos giting - could run out of money, can decide what to do while still have capacity (easiest)
section 85 rollover - used to pass company growth down to children, create a new corp and take preferred shares (can transfer any price between acb and fmv) (not good with personal assets)
section 86 rollover - like 85 except you swap one share class for another and transfer is done at acb (no opportunity to step up cost basis or use lcge) ‘offside’ version would be transferred at fmv
open a trust - revocable could make assets susceptible to lawsuits. tosi doesnt apply to cap gains.
wasting freeze- sell preferred shares over time (to trust, or children, or redeemed by corp)
Buy Sell Formuals
pre determined price, fixed valuation, valuation at time of purchase
Buy sell methods
insurance, promissory note (may not work in contentious situation, unless USA compels it), personal assets (rare), business assets (rare), loan (rare).
Buy Sell structures
Cross purchase - partnerships or two owners, simple and tax efficient if lcge is available. buys shares from estate. acb increased by insurance paid out
promissory note - corps cda is credited and survivor buys shares from estate using note (estate inherits shares with cost basis = fmv at death). corps with multiple shareholders, value of no more than 1m per shareholder. corp has insurance (CDA is key). could be a problem if cda or lcge unavailable. remaining shareholder acb is increased by amount of promissory note paid
share redemption - half of dividend paid out from proceeds will be taxable as a dividend (stop loss rule). remaining owner has acb same as before. half of the insurance remains in cda account balance. This is due to the estate having a capital loss of = sale - proceeds of 0. capital loss can only be used in first year of estate.
( can use spousal roll to use the full cda credit)
hybrid wait and see - use note up to lcge and share redemption for amount in excess of lcge to transfer at highest possible acb
Kiddie tax
minors pay tax from ccpc at highest bracket
Revocable trusts
settlor is beneficiary, opens up legal liability and defeats any income splitting opportunities
Family trust
split lcge among beneficiaries. property can be paid out personally or beneficiaries and trustee can elect to use lcge in trust
Transfers of business assets
wind up the business - sell the assets for what theyre worth
pass on to next gen - usually favourable for buyer. could have tough time letting go.
sell to third party - complicated and difficult, could sell discounted price
sell to employees - train those remaining and develop a better succession plan
Financial options
vendor financing - vendor sets conditions of sale. loan is repaid from earnings, or company is taken back
earn out - often contentious. portion of proceeds withheld based on success of business. purchaser may not have skills or contacts to operate business at first
redemption - retain preferred shares with most of voting rights, receives fixed dividends and shares are bought over time (usually a fixed redemption schedule)
preferred shares - freeze estate and stay in control of business