Adulthood Flashcards
What is ITP and when does it start?
Individualized Transitioning Planning is part of the IEP and can start as early as 14. MUST be in place by 16th birthday
IDEA 2004:
IEP team is to provide well-planned & coordinated set of activities for a student with a disability
Result oriented process
- provides instruction, community experience, development of employment, adult living objectives
- individualized to student strengths and needs
- improve academic and functional achievement to facilitate life after school.
Transition for school to post school activities
- college
- vocational training
- type of employment (competitive, integrated, segregated, sheltered)
Transition planning: future
- Input from student, parent, team
* Conduct age-appropriate assessments
Transition: needs statment
- students needs, strengths, preference
* improvement of academic and functional achievement
Transition: measurable post-secondary goal
- education, training, employment
* independent living, community integration
Transition: courses of study
- college prep, career/tech
* functional/independent academics
Transition services/activities
- at least two activities/goals
* IDEA areas: instruction, community experiences, dev. of employment, daily living
Transition: Annual IEP goals
- at least one IEP goal/postsecondary goal
* should relate transition activity/service
transition: attend IEP
all representatives from adult services, career education, postsecondary education
Plan should include:
Need/actions current year / next year / future recommendations
* Based on needs (low/mod/high)
What does Comprehensive Transition Assessment test?
- career interests
- preferences
- communication
- determination
- physical mobility
- medical & health
- special skills
Transition team
- student
- caregiver
- agency providing services (counselor, social worker, employment agency, advocate)
Person-centered planning
promotes self-determination and self-advocacy & used with students with more significant disabilities using planning tools
• assess skills and helps prioritize and develop goals
Proactive planning
- understand unique ASD symptoms and behaviors in order to maximize potential
- difficulty —> associate strength
- ex. compulsive/routine based –> easily learns positive routines. problems with shift attn –> attn to details and long attn span
General adult issues
- mental and medical health
- vocational
- living arrangements
- government help
- legal issues
- estate planning
applies to minors under 18 & protects children without parents
legal proceeding where an individual or agency is appointed by the court to be responsible for a person over 18. Maintains quality of life