Adrenergic Receptor Antagonists Flashcards
Blockade of Adrenoceptors:
- Dopamine receptor blockade
- peripheral receptor blockade is of little clinical importance
- receptor blockade in CNS is important and will be covered in future course topics
- α-adrenergic receptor blockade
- nonselective antagonists used to treat pheochromocytoma
- α1 antagonists predominantly used for hypertension, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
- β-adrenergic receptor blockade
- much broader clinical use (e.g., hypertension, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, endocrine and neurological disease)
Alpha Antagonist Pharmacology, Mechanism:
- reversible antagonist
- e.g. phentolamine (Oraverse); prazosin (Minipress); labetalol (Normodyne)
- duration of action depends upon drug t1/2 and dissociation rate from the receptor
Alpha Antagonist Pharmacology, irreversible antagonist:
- e.g. phenoxybenzamine (Dibenzyline)
* duration of action depends upon synthesis of new receptors (several days after administration
Pharmacological Effects of α-adrenergic Antagonists, Cardiovascular:
- decrease PVR & blood pressure
- α-receptor antagonist can convert the response of dosed agonists with α & β2-mediated effects from pressor to depressor activity – “ephinephrine reversal”
- alpha receptor blockade can lead to orthostatic hypotension with reflex tachycardia
- α2 receptor blockade on presynaptic sympathetic fibers in heart can stimulate more marked tachycardia – removal of feedback inhibition of NE release
Other Actions of α-adrenergic Antagonists:
- Eye – miosis
- Nasal membranes – stuffiness
- Genitourinary tract – decreased resistance to urine flow
- useful for treatment of urinary retention related to prostate hyperplasia
phenoxybenzamine; Dibenzyline:
- irreversible antagonist covalently binds to α-receptors
- selectivity – α1 > α2
- inhibits reuptake of NE by presynaptic adrenergic nerve terminals
- also blocks H1, acetylcholine, and 5HT receptors
- pharmacological actions & adverse affects occur primarily via α-receptor blockade
- absorbed orally with low bioavailability
- given orally at low doses until pharmacological effects are achieved
- Primary Indication – Pheochromocytoma
- Adverse effects (and most alpha antagonists)
- orthostatic hypotension (primary)
• selectivity α1 = α2
• decrease peripheral vascular resistance via blockade of α1 and
possibly α2 on vascular smooth muscle
• cardiac stimulant – antagonist of α2 on presynaptic fibers increasing NE release; also contributing to the baroreceptor sympathetic reflex
• antagonist of 5-HT receptors & agonist at H1 & H2 receptors
• Indication – pheochromocytoma
• adverse reactions
• severe tachycardia; arrhythmia; myocardial ischemia
α1-selective antagonists:
Modification of the furan alters rate of metabolism for longer duration of action
prazosin; Minipress:
• α1»_space;» α2 (1000 x less potent at α2)
• α1 blockade relaxes arterial and venous vascular
smooth muscle, and prostatic smooth muscle
• extensively metabolized in humans with only 50% oral bioavailability
• t1/2 approx 3 hours
terazosin; Hytrin:
- reversible α1 antagonist
- Indications
- hypertension
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)
- high bioavailability
- extensively metabolized in liver with very little excretion of parent drug
- t1/2 approx 9-12 hours
doxazosin; Cardura:
- reversible α1 antagonist
- Indications
- hypertension
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)
- moderately bioavailable
- extensively metabolized in liver with very little excretion of parent drug
- t1/2 approx 22 hours (primary feature vs prazosin or terazosin)
tamsulosin; Flomax:
- chemistry differs from most other α1 antagonists
- affinity higher for α1A (found in prostate) & α1D vs α1B
- greater potency for relaxation of prostate vs vascular smooth
- Indications
- benign prostatic hyperplasia (BHP)
- overactive bladder
- less effect on standing BP than other alpha receptor blockers
- highly bioavailable
- extensively metabolized in liver with very little excretion of parent drug
- t1/2 approx 9-15 hours
Other Alpha Antagonists:
- alfuzosin (Uroxetral) – BPH; 60% BA; extensively metabolized; t1/2 approx 5 hours
- labetalol (Normadyne) – α1 and β
- chlorpromazine & haloperidol (DA receptor antagonists) – adverse reactions related to activity as alpha antagonists (e.g., hypotension)
- trazadone (antidepressant); ergotamine/dihydroergotamine (ergot alkaloids)
Pharmacology of β-adrenergic antagonists:
- competitively bind to β-receptors and block interaction of endogenous catecholamines and other β-agonists
- most are pure β-agonists
- some partial β-agonists
- beta antagonists differ in relative affinity for β1 vs β2
- none of available beta-antagonists are absolutely specific for β1 which tends to be dose related(specificity decreases at higher concentrations)
- primary differences in beta blockers
- PK/ADME; local anesthetic/membrane stablizing effects
- no obvious clinical application for β2-specific antagonists
Pharmacology of β-adrenergic antagonists, ADME:
• most well absorbed orally, peak concentrations in 1-3
• propranolol (Inderal) is subject to extensive first-pass metabolism with relatively low BA
• variability of first-pass metabolism results in wide variability in plasma concentrations between individuals after an oral dose
• betaxolol (Kerlone), penbutolol (Levatol), pindolol (Visken) and sotalol (Betapace) are exceptions to first-pass related variability in BA