Adrenergic Receptor Antagonists Flashcards
Name some cardiovascular effects of antagonizing the alpha1 receptor.
- Decreased PVR
- Lowered BP
- Postural hypotension due to failure of venous vasoconstriction upon standing
(Remember alpha 1 is really important for venoconstriction and vascular tone for maintaining changes in tone with position changes etc. If we block it we are blocking compensation for these types of changes)
Name some cardiovascular effects of antagonizing the alpha 2 receptor.
- Increases NE release from nerve terminals (we are blocking that negative feedback mechanism).
Remember: you can end up with increased circulating NE so if we block the alpha receptor and not the beta NE could end up stimulating the B1 receptor and cause tachycardia.
What kind of effects does antagonizing the alpha receptors have the GU system, eyes and nose?
- GU- blockade in the prostate and bladder cause MUSCLE RELAXATION and EASE micturation (used in BPH for this effect)
- Eyes: Miosis: contracted pupil
- Nose: increased nasal congestion (side effect).
What kind of antagonism is possible with alpha antagonists?
Either competitive antagonism or covalent antagonism.
At what receptor does Phentolamine work? What does it result in?
- It is NON-selective alpha blocker.
- Vasodilation, decreased BP, increased HR and increased CO.
*Increased HR is because of the blocked negative feedback and baroreceptors which make this reflexive tachycardia a bit more dramatic.
When is Phentolamine used? Dose? Onset? DOA? Elimination 1/2 time?
- Used in hypertensive emergencies (pheocromocytoma or autonomic dysreflexia) where the dose is 30-70 mcg/kg IV with an onset of 2 minutes and a DOA of 10-15 minutes. Elimination half time is 19 minutes which makes this drug EXCELLENT to control on a short term basis.
- Used in local infiltration for accidental extravascular administration of sympathomimetics, 2.5-5.0MG in 10ml (infiltrate in the area to combat constriction).
Why must we pay special attention to phenoxybenzamine? What kind of selectivity does it have?
- Because it binds covalently so you are STUCK with it.
2. A little more selective for alpha one than alpha 2
What kind of action does phenoxybenazmine have?
It decreases SVR, vasodilation.
*Some HR increases but not as much as phentolamine but we do still have the baroreceptors contributing and a little hit on alpha 2.
What kind of drug is phenoxybenzamine? Onest? Half-time? When is it used?
- Pro-drug (liver metabolizes)
- 1 hour onset time
- Long acting E1/2t : 24 hours
- Pre-op pheoxchromocytoma and Raynaud’s
What kind of effect do beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists have on the heart?
- Improve O2 supply and demand balance (decrease HR)
What kind of effect can beta-adrenergic receptors antagonists have on the airway?
- Can provoke bronchospasm.
What kind of effect do the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists have on the juxtaglomerular cells?
- Decrease renin release (an indirect way of decreasing BP)
What kind of effect do the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists have on the pancreas?
- Decreased stimulation of insulin release by epi at B2
2. Masked symptoms of hypoglycemia at B1
What kind of effect do the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists have on the blood vessels?
- Vasoconstriction in skeletal muscles, PVD symptoms increased (SE = decreased excercise tolerance).
Name the three MOAs of the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists.
- Selective binding to beta receptors
- Competitive and reversible inhibition
- Chronic use is associated with increase in the number of receptors.