Adrenal/HIV/Allergy/Diabetes/Pregnancy/Thyroid Flashcards
Cortisol increases blood levels and use of —–, increases —-, and has —- actions = homeostasis
blood pressure
—- releases
corticotropin-releasing hormone
—- first reason for releasing cortisol.
Surgical stress
——- produces and secretes
adrenocorticotropic hormone
—— stimulates adrenal cortex to
produce and release cortisol
Primary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
addison’s disease
Adrenal cortex destroyed or removed - Medical management
Manage the adrenal disease
Glucocorticoid replacement corresponds to normal output ~20mg/day
Secondary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Pituitary disease or adrenals unresponsive to ACTH
2ndary adrenocortical insufficiency - Medical management
Glucocorticoid replacement Hydrocortisone 10-20mg/day
Tertiary Adrenocortical Insufficiency
Treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases AND long- term immunosuppression for organ transplant and joint replacement
Sluggish hypothalamus
Regimens aimed at being therapeutic at the least dose to prevent adrenal suppression
Topical, locally injected, inhaled
not of concern
HPA axis regains responsiveness and functional 14d after DC of steroid
Increased cortisol levels during and after —-
Plasma cortisol peaks 2 to 10-fold between —— hours after surgery
4 and 10
Cortisol level returns to baseline —– hours post-op
Adrenal Crisis
Life-threatening emergency characterized by
Hypotensive collapse, abdominal pain, myalgia, fever
Adrenal crisis - Immediate treatment in the ED
100mg hydrocortisone bolus
Fluids & electrolytes
Primary adrenal insufficiency =
Secondary adrenal insufficiency =
daily therapeutic dose
Hypotension first sign of
acute adrenal crisis
With acute adreanl crisis,
ems immediately, bls
True allergy symptoms:
Urticaria Swelling
Skin rash Chest tightness Dyspnea, SOB Rhinorrhea Conjunctivitis
Edema in deeper planes
Diffuse enlargement of lips, infraorbital tissues, larynx, tongue
Anaphylaxis —- depression
respiratory and CV
Anaphylaxis with Depressed/absentee vital sign—
0.3-0.5ml 1:1000 epinephrine IM Q5min and CPR prn
Risk of stroke & CAD death —- higher in diabetics MI leading cause of death in —– diabetics
Type 2
ESRD ———-
—— more likely to acquire vs. those without diabetes Leading cause of death in those with ——diabetes
end stage renal disease
Type 1
Amount of sugar attached to hemoglobin
Indicates level of glycemic level over last —- months
Monitors patient’s progress —— if controlled —– is uncontrolled
Non-diabetic patients,
Diabetic patients,
For type 1 diabetics - Long acting replace —- level. Short acting covers ——
External Insulin Pumps for
Type 1
Type 2 diabetics - Drug therapy
1 or more hypoglycemics +/- injectables
Dental Treatment Concerns with Uncontrolled Diabetics
aggressive management, strict glycemic control
Poor wound healing avoid elective surgery
Systemic risk
HTN, CAD, stroke
Type 1 diabetics -
disease responds a bit differently. Always be concerned about type 1 diabetics. Uncontrolled vs brittle - not just compliance. Some people just can’t get consistent glucose levels.
Management of Acute Infection
DDS: ——–
MD: ——
treat odontogenic infection
Extraction, I&D, antibiotics
glycemic controlSliding scale insulin
Incisions and drainage
Tx of insulin reaction
if conscious, sugar. if unconscious, EMS and glucagon injection - bls prn
Preventing Insulin Shock
- Instruct patients to follow normal insulin regimen and eat normally around appointment
- Morning appointment
- Confirm that they ate and took insulin/hypoglycemics
- Instruct patient to notify you of symptoms during the office visit
- Source of sugar in the office
HIV Target cells:
dendritic cells, macrophages, CD4+ T cells
Blood HIV viral load correlates with
risk of transmission of the virus; patients with early HIV infection are highly contagious
Progressive depletion of CD4+ lymphocytes
immune dysfunction
CD4+ drops to
Prophylaxis for opportunistic infections with
low CD4+ counts
CD4+ count at time of HIV diagnosis Every—–months after
Asymptomatic HIV Infection
Asymptomatic patients have OK CD4+ count
Low viral load
Normal platelets and WBCs
No S/S (wouldn’t know of disease if they did not endorse)
Asymptomatic HIV Infection - dental care
good to go
Asymptomatic, HIV-Infected Patient with Decreasing CD4+ Count
May be developing immune suppression increased risk of infection (decreased WBCs)
increased bleeding (decreased platelets)
Invasive surgical procedures: obtain WBC & platelet counts
Asymptomatic, HIV-infected patient with decreasing CD4+ count - ——- dentistry ok
Routine & complex restorative
AIDS Patients (CD4+ <200)
Significant ——-
——- dental care only
With invasive procedures must prepare for :
—— antibiotic prophylaxis for patient with WBC <500uL
———platelets must be >50,000 for treatment
Check drug interactions with —-
Emergency care and preventive
Excessive bleeding
Most dental drugs (prego) are
category C
Prego - Analgesics:
NO NSAIDs (ibuprofen or aspirin)
Consult for narcotics
Amount of drug excreted in milk —– of maternal dose
Breast feeding timing w/drug
Consume right after breast feeding Supplement with formula
Thyroid hormone (thyroxine + triiodothyronine) influences
Regulate ——
Regulated by a ——–
metabolism or the way that the body uses energy
feedback loop
Secretion of Thyroid Hormone
Feedback mechanism mediated by
hypothalamic- pituitary-thyroid axis
T3 and T4 in the blood
Graves’ disease (most common)
Hyperthyroidism - symptoms
Anxiety, fatigue, rapid HR, heat intolerance, weight loss, exopthalmous
Antithyroid agents
Propylthiouracil, 18 months
Radioactive iodine
Inadequate amount of
T3 and T4
Slow physical/mental activity, sensitivity to cold, weight gain
Hypothyroidism managed with
synthetic T4
Well-Controlled Thyroid Disease can do
Any routine dental treatment
Physician consultation for assistance in management of acute infection or in anticipation of significant surgical stress
Increased —-
metabolic demand
—– is most common thyroid issue