Adrenal gland disorders - Addisons disease Flashcards
What is addisons disease?
- Addison’s Disease is a form of adrenal insufficiency usually caused by autoimmune destruction of the adrenal cortex
- It can also result from tuberculosis
What part of the adrenal secrets aldosterone for water balance ?
Zona glomerulosa
What hormones does the adrenal Cortex produce ?
What is cortisol important for ?
Cortisol is a glucocorticoid hormone produced by the zona fasciculata that plays several important roles in the body.
It helps control the body’s use of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
suppresses inflammation;
regulates blood pressure;
increases blood sugar; and
can also decrease bone formation.
This hormone also controls the sleep/wake cycle. It is released during times of stress to help your body get an energy boost and better handle an emergency situation.
What does the medulla of the adrenal gland produce ?
Adrenalin and noradrenalin in response to the sympathetic neural activity.
What is addisons disease ?
What is not produced enough of in addisons disease ?
Coritisol and aldosterone
What is role of cortisol
What is role of aldosterone
water and sodium balance
What are the symptoms of Addison disease ?
- salt craving !!
What is an addisorian crisis ?
Addisonian crisis
Hypotensive collapse (volume depletion and shock)
High urine Na+
Hyponatremia (can cause nausea and dizziness)
Most poeple usually only find out they have addisons disease when they do what ?
Have an Addisonian crisis
Explain hyperpigmentation in addison disease
- Lack of secretion of adrenal hormones results in failure of the feedback cycle for Adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)
- High plasma ACTH level results in hyperpigmentation of the skin especially under nails, buccal mucosa and palm creases
- Why?
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone is a by-product of ACTH production
How to diagnose addisons ?
Explain primary, secondry and tertiary, hypo adrenal diagnosis
primary - Problem within the adrenal gland
Secondry - problem within the piturary gland
Tertiary - problem within the hypothalamus
What is the treatment for Addisons disease?
Volume replacement (saline) if in crisis . And glucose
Hydrocortisone (crisis) and synthetic mineralocorticoid fludrocortisone (replacement therapy)
Needs regular review – will need to be continued throughout life
Hydrocortisone for emergencies