Adolescents Flashcards
- Stage 1 N/V, lethargy malaise,
- Stage 2 RUQ pain, elevate LFT, Pt, INR, nephrotoxicity, pancreatitis, deaths occur in 72 to 96 hours
Tx - Antidote is N-acetylcysteine IV
Acetaminophen poisoning
abrupt onset extremely painful and swollen red scrotum, N/V, affected testes higher and closer to body, the cremasteric reflex is missing, >not corrected in <6 hours permanent damage, if not corrected in 24 hours becomes gangrene, common in males with bell clapper deformity
Testicular torsion
call 911, US doppler preferred test, manual reduction or surgery, elevated PSA, biopsy of prostate tissue, PSA level with DRE
Testicular torsion Dx
Refer to urologist, individualize screen per risk factors
Testicular torsion Tx
hard fixed, nodule, heaviness or aching, one testicle larger than other, hydrocele from tumor, painless asymptomatic until Metz,
Dx - Gold standard testicular biopsy, US of testes, refer to urology, for surgical removal (orchiectomy)
Testicular cancer
cancer of b cells (Reed Sternberg cells), pruritic, painless supraclavicular lymph nodes with fever (pel-ebstein sign), night sweats, fever, pain with alcohol drinks, young adults.
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
MV A suicide, homicide
Death adolescents
female - breast bud areola develops
Male - testes scrotum start to
enlarge, scrotum gets darker
Tanner 2
female - nipples and areola become elevated from breast, secondary
Male - penis grows wider grows in length, darker scrotum
Tanner 4
starts at age 12, irregular periods for several months up to 2 years
Tx - heating pads, NSAIDS
- minors give full consent without parental involvement
- Legally married,
- Active duty armed forces
Emancipated minor
- contraception,
- Tx STD’s,
- Diagnosis and
management of pregnancy
Right to consent confidentiality
no menarche at 15, chromosomal disorder (turner syndrome), Secondary amenorrhea- no menses for three cycles or 6 months, due to pregnancy, ovarian disorder, stress, anorexia PCOS TX educate caloric intake calcium and vitamin D 1200 to 1500 daily, refer to pediatric endocrinologist
Primary amenorrhea
pregnancy test, prolactin level, TSH FSH, LH, bone density
Primary amenorrhea Dx