Providing economic infrastructre, provision of services and goods, resolution of conflict groups, the maintenance of competition, protection of natural resources, minium access by individuals to goods and services, stabilization of the economy
a)Econmic infrastructure
governments provide the basic institutions, rules and the enforcement of contracts, the provision of a standard currency, weights and measures, corporate charters, bankruptcy, patents, copyright, the maintenance of law and order, and the tariff system.
b) provision fo services
These include such items as national defence, roads and bridges, aids to navigation, flood control, sewage disposal, traffic control systems and other infrastructure.
c) resoltuion of conflict groups
A basic reason for the existence of government is the need to resolve or ameliorate conflict in a society in pursuance of justice, order and stability. This may include actions to protect the economi-cally weak against the economically strong.
Maintenance of competition
Competition does not always maintain itself in the private sector, and government action is often required to ensure that businesses do compete. In the absence of suitable regulation, companies would be able to form cartels, restrict access to their products and fix prices.
Protection of Natural resources
Competitive forces cannot be relied on to prevent the wasteful use of natural resources, to protect against degradation of the natural environment or to care for the interests of future generations
stability of the economy
There have always been fluctuations in the business cycle of the economy, with boom conditions being followed by recessions. Government action may be able to alleviate these through the budget, monetary policy or control over wages or prices
where the government provides good or service through it budget
a secondary category of provision, where the government assist a company or an organization in the private economy to provide government - required goods and services
government produces goods and services for sale in the market
coercite power of the state to to allow or prohibit certain activities in the private economy
Thomas hobbs
a philosopher who believed we needed a strong government to prevent us from killing and otherwise hurting each other. Also proclaimed we are not socialable creatures and cannot know the difference between good and evil. Left wing foundation theory
John Locke
A philosopher who believed government intrusion should be limited and and transpire on rare occasions, also believed humans were created by God and it is important to establish boundaries of ownership
Karl Marx
a German philosopher who set the stage for communisms and socialism, against capitalism as it created inequality of social classes and otherwise limiting the life they can live.