Adjectives Flashcards
The child is good; not bad.
El niño es bueno; no es malo.
(most adjectives end in -o and must agree with the noun it modifies)
The blouse is not expensive; its cheap.
La blusa no es cara; es barata.
The streets are narrow; they’re not wide.
Las calles son estrechas; no son anchas.
She’s preparing a delicious meal.
Ella prepara una comida deliciosa.
Who are the slim boys?
¿Quiénes son los muchachos delgados?
They are going to take a short trip.
Ellos van a hacer un viaje corto.
The markets are modern; not old.
Los mercados son modernos; no son antiguos.
The flag is white and yellow.
La bandera es blanca y amarilla.
The gentlemen are tall and fat.
Los señores son altos y gordos.
The flower is very pretty.
La flor es muy bonita.
Juanita is a tall girl.
Juanita es una muchacha alta.
She is not fat, but neither is she thin.
No es gorda pero tampoco es delgada.
She’s a rather good-looking girl.
Es una muchacha bastante guapa.
She’s blonde.
Es rubia.
She is a good student.
Ella es una alumna buena.
She is quite studious.
Es bastante estudiosa.
And she is also very fond of sports.
Y es también muy aficionada a los deportes.
She is very athletic.
Es muy atlética.
The fields are green.
Los campos son verdes.
(adjectives ending in -e have only two forms, singular and plural)
The university is large.
La universidad es grande.
The houses are impressive.
Las casas son impresionantes.
The gentlemen are poor.
Los señores son pobres.
The boys are very intelligent.
Los chicos son muy inteligentes.
The village is humble.
El pueblo es humilde.
She lives in an elegant house.
Ella vive en una casa elegante.
The rooms of the house are huge.
Los cuartos de la casa son enormes.
It has an impressive living room.
Tiene una sala impresionante.
Behind the house there is a large courtyard with many green plants and trees.
Detrás de la casa hay un patio grande con muchas plantas y árboles verdes.
A strong dog serves as guard for the house.
Un perro fuerte sirve de guardián para la casa.
This large and elegant house is not located in the humble neighborhood of the city.
Esta casa grande y elegante no se encuentra en ningún barrio humilde de la ciudad.
But not all of the city is like this.
Pero no toda la ciudad es así.
In the suburbs there are many humble neighborhoods where poor families live.
En las afueras hay muchos barrios humildes donde viven las familias pobres.
The houses from these poor neighbourhoods or surrounding areas are of wood with zinc or tin roofs.
Las casas de estos barrios o vecindades pobres son de madera con techos de zinc o de hojalata.
They are quite depressing.
Son bastante deprimentes.
Teresa is a young girl.
Teresa es una muchacha joven.
(most adjectives ending in a constant have only two forms, singular and plural)
She is a happy person.
Ella es una persona feliz.
She has blue eyes.
Ella tiene ojos azules.
(to form the plural of an adjective ending in a consonant, -es is added)
She has many friends.
Ella tiene muchos amigos.
She is very popular.
Ella es muy popular.
Her siblings are popular as well.
Sus hermanos son populares también.
Teresa and her brothers live on a tropical island.
Teresa y sus hermanos viven en una isla tropical.
A strong sun shines every day in the blue sky.
Un sol fuerte brilla todos los días en el cielo azul.
Grey clouds are almost never seen in the sky and it hardly ever rains.
Casi nunca se ven nubes grises en el cielo y no llueve casi nunca.
Enrique is Italian.
Enrique es italiano.
(many adjectives of nationality end in -o and have four forms)
Maria is American.
María es americana.
The boys are Panamanians.
Los chicos son panameños.
My friend is Cuban.
(about a woman)
Mi amiga es cubana.
The cheeses are Swiss.
Los quesos son suizos.
The statues are Greek.
Las estatuas son griegas.
Carlos is German.
Carlos es alemán.
(nationalities ending in a consonant have four forms)
The bags are French.
Las bolsas son francesas.
The gentlemen are English.
Los señores son ingleses.
My mother is Irish.
Mi madre es irlandesa.
Carmen is Catalan.
Carmen es catalana.
The wines are Portuguese.
Los vinos son portugueses.
He is a lovely guy.
Él es un tipo encantador.
He is very nice and has a fantastic personality.
Es muy simpático y tiene una personalidad fantástica.
But unfortunately his children are quite lazy.
Pero desgraciadamente sus hijos son bastante holgazanes.
They do not like to work.
No les gusta trabajar.
It’s a shame because the mother of the youngsters is very hardworking.
Es una lástima porque la madre de los jóvenes es muy trabajadora.
She works some ten hours a day.
Ella trabaja unas diez horas al día.
The senior mother is the director of the best high school in the city.
La madre superiora es la directora de la mejor escuela superior de la ciudad.
The novel of this great novelist has more than a thousand pages.
La novela de este gran novelista tiene más de mil páginas.
(grande has a shortened form in the masculine and feminine singular and in this form conveys famous or great)
The first chapter of the book has more than a hundred pages.
El primer capítulo del libro tiene más de cien páginas.
(some adjectives have a shortened form in the masculine singular; ciento is shortened before masculine and feminine nouns)
It is the third novel he has written.
Es la tercera novela que él ha escrito.
The main character is a bad guy who has no talent.
El protagonista es un mal tipo que no tiene ningún talento.
He wants to buy beige trousers.
Él quiere comprar pantalones beige.
(words used to describe colours are invariable and do not change according to number and gender)
Beige pants play (match) very well with a brown shirt.
Los pantalones beige juegan muy bien con una camisa marrón.
Ramon has decided that he does not want black shoes.
Ramón ha decidido que no quiere zapatos negros.
(the meaning of certain words is the colour itself and they must agree with the noun they modify)
He’s going to buy himself a pair of brown shoes.
Va a comprarse un par de zapatos marrón (o marrónes).
(marrón can be either invariable or act as a proper adjective)
The truth is that beige matches very well with a light blue shirt and a wine tie.
La verdad es que el beige juega muy bien con una camisa azul claro y una corbata vino.
(whenever a colour is modified by another word, it becomes invariable)
Maria loves bright pink blouses.
A María le encantan las blusas rosa vivo.
And her sister likes light blue blouses best.
Y a su hermana le gustan más las blusas azul claro.
She says that light blue blouses match very well with a navy blue skirt.
Ella dice que las blusas azul claro juegan muy bien con una falda azul marino.
Teresa is taller than her sister.
Teresa es más alta que su hermana.
(más (menos) … que is used to form the comparative of adjectives)
Carlos has more money than Paco.
Carlos tiene más dinero que Paco.
This home is larger than the other.
Esta casa es más grande que la otra.
Rhode Island is smaller than Texas.
Rhode Island es más pequeño que Texas.
Isabel is richer than her cousin.
Isabel es más rica que su prima.
They have more than two thousand dollars in the bank.
Ellos tienen más de dos mil dólares en el banco.
(when the comparative is followed by a number, más de is used)
I can’t spend more than ten dollars for the present.
No puedo gastar más que diez dólares por el regalo.
(when the sentence is in the negative, más que and not más de is used with numbers)
She wrote more than fifty books.
Ella escribió más de cincuenta libros.
This novel has more than a thousand pages.
Esta novela tiene más de mil páginas.
I don’t need more than one hundred pesos.
No necesito más que cien pesos.
Santiago is the largest city in Chile.
Santiago es la ciudad más grande de Chile.
(the superlative most, -est is formed using the definite article, más and is followed by de)
Carmen is the most intelligent girl of all.
Carmen es la chica más inteligente de todas.
They are the tallest boys in the class.
Ellos son los chicos más altos de la clase.
Mr. González is the most important man of the company.
El señor González es el hombre más importante de la compañía.
Sugar is the most important product of the country.
El azúcar es el producto más importante del país.
These villages are the oldest in the nation.
Estos pueblos son los más antiguos de la nación.
This hotel is the most elegant in the city.
Este hotel es el más elegante de la ciudad.
This lady is the nicest of all.
Esta señora es la más simpática de todas.
This book is good.
Este libro es bueno.
It is better than the other, but is not the best of all.
Es mejor que el otro pero no es el mejor de todos.
(some adjectives such as bueno are irregular; in the comparative they are used without the article, while the superlative is used with the article)
This novel is bad.
Esta novela es mala.
It is even worse than the other but is not the worst of all.
Es aún peor que la otra pero no es la peor de todas.
(malo is an irregular adjective)
Madam Carmen is old.
Doña Carmen es vieja.
She is older than her cousin, but she is not the oldest in the family.
Es mayor que su prima pero no es la mayor de la familia.
(grande is an irregular adjective; mayor expresses the meaning of age and not size)
Carlitos is young.
Carlitos es joven.
He is younger than his brother, but he isn’t the youngest in the family.
Es menor que su hermano pero no es el menor de la familia.
(pequeño is an irregular adjective; menor expresses the meaning of age rather than size)
It’s a very difficult job.
Es un trabajo dificilísimo.
(-ísimo can be added to adjectives to give the meaning most or very).
That gentleman is most generous.
Aquel señor es generosísimo.
The song is very popular.
La canción es popularísima.
Those dogs are very ugly.
Aquellos perros son feísimos.
That lady is very rich.
Aquella señora es riquísima.
These napkins are as clean as the others.
Estas servilletas están tan limpias como las otras.
(tan… como are used to mean as … as)
Carlos is as rich as his brother.
Carlos es tan rico como su hermano.
The mountains of Italy are as high as those of Spain.
Las montañas de Italia son tan altas como las de España.
This beach is as beautiful as the other.
Esta playa es tan bonita como la otra.
Mr Gomez is as intelligent as Mr López.
El señor Gómez es tan inteligente como el señor López.
These books are as interesting as the others.
Estos libros son tan interesantes como los otros.
She has as much money as her cousin.
Ella tiene tanto dinero como su prima.
(tanto… como are used with nouns to mean as many / as much … as)
He eats as many vegetables as meat.
Él come tantos vegetales como carne.
(tanto agrees with the noun it modifies)
He prepares as many meals as his sister.
Él prepara tantas comidas como su hermana.
I read as many books as him.
Yo leo tantos libros como él.
He receives as many letters as me.
Él recibe tantas cartas como yo.
These mines produce as much coal as the others.
Estas minas producen tanto carbón como las otras.
(numbers 16 through 29 are written as one word)
treinta y tres
(numbers from 31 to 99 are written as two words)
cuarenta y siete
(cincuenta y dos)
sesenta y uno
setenta y nueve
ochenta y cuatro
noventa y nueve
ciento nueve
(ciento must be used when followed by another number)
ciento veintiseis
quinientos veintinueve
seiscientos treinta y cuatro
setecientos once
novecientos cincuenta y nueve
dos mil
mil ochocientos noventa y ocho
mil novecientos cuarenta y dos
un millón
(millón is always preceded by un)
dos millones
(millón is pluralized)
I want to read your book.
(to a friend)
Quiero leer tu libro.
(the possessive adjective tu (your) has only two forms, singular and plural)
They want to see your presents.
(to a friend)
Ellos quieren ver tus regalos.
Maria has your magazine.
(to a friend)
María tiene tu revista.
Carlos is looking for your luggage.
(to a friend)
Carlos busca tus maletas.
My mother has my wallet.
Mi madre tiene mi cartera.
(the possessive adjective mi (my) has only two forms, singular and plural)
Carlos wants to buy my car.
Carlos quiere comprar mi coche.
Where are my books?
¿Dónde están mis libros?
My suitcases are on the plane.
Mis maletas están en el avión.
Maria is going with her father.
María va con su padre.
(the possessive adjective su (your, his, her, their) has only two forms, singular and plural)
Carlos is speaking with his mother.
Carlos habla con su madre.
Elena wants to sell her records.
Elena quiere vender sus discos.
They have their camera.
Ellos tienen su cámera.
The Gomez’s don’t know where their friends are.
Los Gómez no saben dónde están sus amigos.
Do you have your passport, Mr. Gonzalez?
¿Tiene Ud. su pasaporte, señor González?
This book is interesting.
Este libro es interesante.
(este means this)
These houses are very modern.
Estas casas son muy modernas.
This library is the best in the city.
Esta biblioteca es la mejor de la ciudad.
These pictures are by Dali.
Estos cuadros son de Dalí.
Those pictures over there are by Velázquez.
Aquellos cuadros son de Velázquez.
(aquel means that when the object is far from both the speaker and the person spoken to)
That statue over there is from the eighteenth century.
Aquella estatua es del siglo dieciocho.
That car over there is my cousin’s.
Aquel coche es de mi primo.
Those girls are the daughters of Mr Gomez.
Aquellas niñas son las hijas del señor Gómez.
Whose magazine is it that you have?
¿De quién es esa revista que tiene Ud.?
(ese means that when the object is near the person spoken to, but not the speaker)
Those photographs that you looking at are of John.
Esas fotografías que mira Ud. son de Juan.
That book that you are reading is fantastic.
Ese libro que lee Ud. es fantástico.
Where are those dishes from that you have?
¿De dónde son esos platos que tiene Ud.?
What a novel!
¡Qué novela!
(the exclamation what a … ! is expressed by ¡Qué!)
What a fabulous view!
¡Qué vista más fabulosa!
(when the noun is modified the word más or tan also used)
What a fantastic idea!
¡Qué idea más fantastica!
What a big car!
¡Qué coche más grande!
Such a trip!
¡Tal viaje!
(the exclamation such a … ! is expressed by tal)