ADF Psychological Interview Questions Flashcards
How did you enjoy school?
As a kid I thought school was kind of a drag, but looking back now I have more appreciation for those times. I guess one of the positives is that in high school I discovered I enjoyed learning languages.
How do you feel about living away from home?
Although I’m really close to my family and I know it will be difficult, I have lived away from family a number of times before so it’s something I can deal with.
How well do you get along with your family?
Really well, family is really important to me. I’m very close to my siblings and my mum. My dad moved away a few years ago but we still keep in contact.
What do you think about killing someone?
It’s obviously not something I want to do, but applying for the ADF I realize I could possibly be put in a situation where I would need to protect myself or others, using force, and that’s something I’m prepared to do if necessary.
What would you do if you were ordered to do something you didn’t want to do?
As a member of the ADF I would complete all lawful commands to the best of my ability.
Have you ever done drugs?
When I was younger I did try marijuana. First when I moved out of home and was living on campus at 18, I tried a joint with some friends. Apart from that time, there was one Christmas several (4-5) years ago when I had a stomach bug and a family member said that it could help.
Do you drink alcohol?
Not regularly, only on special occasions like Christmas.
What does you day usually consist of?
Usually I get up early, exercise and take care of chores/cleaning. Then I’ll do some study, at the moment I’m trying to learn Mandarin. I also do a lot of cooking and reading. In the afternoon I also try and go for a walk or do some yoga.
What do you do to deal with stress?
When I get stressed out I find it helps to acknowledge what it is that’s stressing me out and think things through methodically.
What have your previous jobs been like? What has you role been?
- Hemp Revolution (2009-2011) My first job was at my parents retail store, I worked at retail assistant. Unfortunately they closed down.
- Sea Breeze Deli (May 2012-Spetember 2012) I worked as a counter hand. I quit to work at my Mum & Aunts new business.
- KYSH trading (July 2012-April 2013) Worked here as a retail assistant until they closed down.
- Greenfields Supa Deli (November 2013 - April 2014) I worked as a counter hand but quit because I moved to Perth to live on campus (March 2014)
- Hippie Chips (November 2014-August 2015) worked as a kitchen and counter hand/cook when my Mum and Aunt started a new business.
- Hamilton Island (August 2015 - Feb 2016) Temporary working holiday to save money. Worked as a kitchen/counter hand.
- Hippie Chips (Feb 2016 - Jan 2017) Worked here again until they closed down.
- ATG (Dec 2016 - Sept 2018) worked as a retail assistant, left because I moved back to Mandurah and it was difficult to travel.
- Greenfields Supa Deli (Oct 2018 - Feb 2019) worked as a kitchen/counter hand.
- I have done some seasonal work and had a job shortly at before corona virus.
2012 - year 12
2013 - TAFE certificate
2014 - (1st half) I did a uni prep course at ECU, (2nd half) I did a semester of uni in Melbourne.
2016-2020 - Murdoch Uni (part-time-ish)
Have you lived away from home before?
Yes multiple times 2014 - Lived on campus at ECU - Semester of uni in Melbourne 2015 -moved to HI, QLD to work for 6 months 2017 - I lived in Perth with my brother 2018 or 2019 - lived by myself for a year
What do you do in your spare time?
I read a lot, and like cooking. I also like hiking and hanging out with family and friends.
What do you and your friends get up to?
Nothing special, sometimes we do a fitness class, hiking or go out for a meal. Sometimes a concert or comedy show.
Why the defence force?
I guess I want to do something where I can make a difference? Something that will challenge me and push me.
Do you have any management experience?
I have helped with training staff as well as dealing with difficult customers.