ADF Info Flashcards
What is an Initial Minimum Period of Service
- Initial minimum period of service means the period of service a member must serve following enlistment or appointment
- Which if not completed may result in a service obligation debt under Defence Regulation
What is Unrestricted Service
- It means you may be called upon to work long and irregular hours when necessary, which are not eligible for penalty rates or overtime.
- The Service Allowance component of ADF salary packages helps compensate you for the special demands of service life.
What is the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (DFDA)
- The purpose of the DFDA is to maintain and enforce military discipline
- Became effective in 1985
- All ADF members are subject to it
- Offences by ADF members are prosecuted under the DFDA, within the military justice system, when the offence substantially affects the maintenance and ability to enforce Service discipline in the ADF.
- Otherwise, criminal offences or other illegal conduct are referred to civil authorities, such as the police
- All ADF members have access to free legal advice in the internal discipline system. This is unique to the military
What are the four components of the Military Justice system
- Discipline system
- Adverse administrative system
- A member’s right to complain.
- Administrative inquiries.
What is the ADF’s position on Drugs and Alcohol
- The use of illegal drugs is strictly forbidden in the ADF
- Will attract disciplinary and administrative action
- –> lead to dismissal.
- Likewise, the ADF has a duty of care to provide a safe working environment and is committed to minimising alcohol related harm
- The ADF has the ability to test for prohibited drugs under the Defence Act 1903
ADF position on People and Diversity
- Defence’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is articulated in Pathway to Change: Evolving Defence Culture 2017 – 22,
- Armed forces must represent our whole society, and should reflect the rich multicultural diversity of Australia itself.
- The ADF selection processes are free from cultural, racial and gender bias
- We believe this approach brings a unique blend of skills, strengths and knowledge to our operations
What are the Navy, Army and Air Force tasked with the defence of
- our nation, its borders and coastline
- our people and their values, and
- our way of life
What are the main purposes of the ADF
- Defending Australia and our interests
- Helping communities and supporting international operations
- Protecting trade and commerce
Who is the Minister of Defence
Linda Reynolds
Who is the Chief of the Defence Force
General Angus J. Campbell
What is Operation COVID19 Assist
- Operation COVID-19 Assist is the Australian Defence Force (ADF) contribution to the whole-of- government response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- During Operation COVID-19 Assist, thousands of ADF personnel have supported the Government’s response to COVID-19 with a range of tasks, including: Quarantine assits, Police border controls, Contact tracing teams, Logistical support
What are the ADF South Pacific Operations
- Enhanced Regional Engagement
- Operation Render Safe
- Operation Solania
What are the ADF Indo Pacific Operations
- Indo-Pacific Endeavour
- Operation Gateway, South East Asia
What are the ADF Middle East Operations
- Operation Accordion, Middle East Region
- Operation Charter, Charter
- Operation Highroad, Afghanistan
- Operation Manitou, Middle East Region Maritime
- Operation Mazurka, Egypt
- Operation Okra, Iraq
- Operation Paladin, Israel
Other ADF Global Operations
- Operation Argos, North East Asia
- Operation Aslan, South Sudan
- Operation Dyurra, Space
- Operation Linesmen, South Korea
- Operation Orenda, Mali
ADF Domestic Operation
- Operation COVID 19 Assist
- Operation Resolute, Border Protection
- Operation Southern Discovery, Antarctica
What are the ADF’s Values
- Service: The selflessness of character to place the security and interests of our nation and its people ahead of my own.
- Courage: The strength of character to say and do the right thing, always, especially in the face of adversity.
- Respect: The humanity of character to value others and treat them with dignity.
- Integrity: The consistency of character to align my thoughts, words and actions to do what is right.
- Excellence: The willingness of character to strive each day to be the best I can be, both professionally and personally.
Why does the ADF have values
- The Defence Values provide the expectations and standards that all Defence personnel are expected to display every day.
- The values underpin everything we do
What is operation render safe
- Operation RENDER SAFE is the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) series of activities that aims to safely dispose of World War II-vintage explosive remnants of war from South Pacific island nations.
- Operations occur approximately annually, or in response to an urgent request from a Pacific Island nation.