Add Info Flashcards
Amiodarone Additional Info
If diluted mix with Dextrose 5%May be flushed with NaCl
Aspirin Additional Info
Aspirin 300mg is indicated for cardiac chest pain regardlessif patient is on anti-coagulants or is already on aspirin.If the patient has swallowed an aspirin (enteric coated) preparation without chewing it, the patient should be regarded as not having taken any aspirin; Administer Aspirin 300mg PO.
Atropine Additional Info
Accidental exposure to the eye causes blurred vision
Benzylpenicillin Additional Info
Also called Penicillin G
Clopidogrel Additional Info
Paramedics are authorised to administer Clopidogrel PO following identification of STEMI and medical practitioner instruction
Cyclizine Additional Info
IM route should only be utilised where IV or IO access is not available
Dextrose 10% Solution Additional Info
Also called GlucoseCannula patency will reduce the effect of tissue necrosis
Epinephrine 1:10,000Additional Info
N.B. Double check concentrations before use
Epinephrine 1:1,000Additional Info
N.B. Double check the concentration on pack before use
Furosemide Additional Info
Furosemide should be protected from light
GlucagonAdditional Info
May be ineffective in patients with low stored glycogen e.g. prior use in previous 24 hours, alcoholic patients with liver disease.Protect from light
Glucose GelAdditional Info
Glucose gel will maintain glucose levels once raised but should be used secondary to Dextrose or Glucagon to reverse hypoglycaemia.Proceed with caution:- patients with airway compromise-altered level of consciousness
EnoxaparinAdditional Info
Do not store above 25°CDo not refrigerate or freeze.
GTNAdditional Info
If the pump is new or has not been used for a week or more the first spray should be released into the air
HydrocortisoneAdditional Info
Intramuscular injection should avoid the deltoid area because of the possibility of tissue atrophy.Dosage should not be less than 25mg
IbuprofenAdditional Info
If ibuprofen administered in previous 6 hours, adjust the dose downward by the amount given by other sources resulting in a maximum of 10mg/Kg
LidocaineAdditional Info
Lidocaine may not be administered if Amiodarone has been administrated
Magnesium Sulphate InjectionAdditional Info
Dilute in 100mL NaCl for infusion
Midazolam SolutionAdditional Info
Midazolam IV should be titrated to effect. Ensure oxygen and resuscitation equipment are available prior to administration. The max dose of Midazolam includes that administered by caregiver prior to arrival of practitioner
MorphineAdditional Info
Use with extreme caution particularly with elderly/youngCaution with acute respiratory distressN.B. Controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1977, 1984)
NaloxoneAdditional Info
Use with caution in pregnancyAdminister with caution to patients who have taken large dose of narcotics ar are physically dependent.Rapid reversal will precipitate acute withdrawal syndrome.Prepare to deal with aggressive patients
NifedipineAdditional Info
Close monitoring of maternal pulse & BP is required and continuous foetal monitoring should be carried out if possible
EntonoxAdditional Info
Do not use if patient unable to understand instructions.In cold temperatures, warm cylinder and invert to ensure mix of gases.Advanced paramedics may use discretion with minor chest injuries.Brand name: Entonox.Has an addictive property
OndansetronAdditional Info
OxygenAdditional Info
A written record must be made of what oxygen therapy is given to every patient. Documentation recording oximetry measurements should state whether patient is breathing air or a specified dose of supplemental oxygen. consider humidifier if O2 therapy for paed patients is > 30 mins duration. Avoid naked flames, powerful oxidising agent.
ParacetamolAdditional Info
Note: Paracetamol is contained in Paracetamol Suspension and other over the counter drugs.Consult with parent/guardian in relation to medication prior to arrival on scene. For PR use be aware of modesty of patient, should be administered in the presednc of a 2nd person.If paracetamol is administered in previous 4 hours, adjust the dose downward by the amount given by other sources resulting in a maximum of 20mg/Kg
SalbutamolAdditional Info
It is more efficient to use a volumiser in conjunction with an aerosol inhaler when administering Salbutamol.If an Oxygen driven nebuliser is used to administer Salbutamol for a patient with acute exacerbation of COPD, it should be limited to 6 minutes maximum
Sodium Bicarbonate InjectionAdditional Info
Sodium Chloride 09%Additional Info
NaCl is the IV/IO fluid of choice for pre-hospital emergency care.For KVO use 500ml pack only
SyntometrineAdditional Info
Ensure that a second foetus is not in the uterus prior to administration
TenecteplaseAdditional Info
Enoxaparin should be used as antithrombotic adjunctive therapy.
FentanylAdditional Info
Caution if patient has transdermal Fentanyl patch.Include an additional 0.1 mL, to allow for dead space in MAD, in the calculated volume required.Administer 50% volume in each nostril if more than 1 mL.