Adaptions 2 Flashcards
What are the 4 sources of genetic diveristy
mutations due the the introduction of new allelles
sexual reprodctuction
crossing over and indepdnet assormtnet during mieosis
Gene flow thorugh immigration:introduction of new members into a population bringing along genetic variation. This causes interbreeding between organisms
What are the conseuqnenesc of low genetid divierisrty/low small gene pool
inbreeding and inbreeding may occur thorughut a whole population due to new selection pressures as a result of the lack of genetic diveristy which can ultimaltey result in exincinstion due the wiping out of a population due to disease or natural disasters
What is optimual range in the zone of tolernace
the best and ideal enviornemnt for an orgnaisn to live that allows for the greaterst chance of surivial– a greater population inthis area
What is the zone of physiolgicla stress in the range of tolerance
organisms are still able to survive but struggle, the condiitons are not ideal which causes the body to be uncomfertbale and under a lot of stress
Zone of intolernace
species unable to surive as the enviornmentla condiitons cannot be tolerated
What 2 ways can heat be generated
Endothermic: mentaining body temp throgh mentolibc reactios eg. mammamls and birds
Exothermic: obtianing heat through the enviornrment eg, reptiles and fish
Why would an animal in the desert have a low SA:V ration of the body but a large SA:V of the ears
Low SA:V allows less heat in the body to be obsorbed but the large SA:V of ears allows more heat to be releaed through the ears in a hot desert enivorment for the elephant
Behaviroual adaptions of aniamls in hot enviornments
Evading extreme conditions by seeking shelter or burrowing to minimise radiation from the sun
Enduring extreme conditions by being inactive during the hottest part of the day to reduce heat produced in metabolism.
Nocturnal behaviours
Licking arms, wallow in mud or water baths to keep cool.
Physiocliglca adpaitons of aniamsl in hot enviornrments
Surface blood flow through vasodilation to release heat into the environment
Increase water input and conserving water by producing concentrated urine and hard faeces
Evaporating heat through sweating
Name structural, behaviorurla nad pyshiologicla adaptions in hot enviornments
- Structural- Increase SA:V to release heat and Decreased insulation
physcioligcal-vasoilidation, evaporation and producing concnentration urine and low water in faeces
Behavioural-noctunral pbehavrioris, evading heat by burrowing and wallowing(rolling aorund eg. in mud)
Plant adaptions in hot environments
- Having light coloured leafs to reudce heat absorption
- leaves having a smaller surface area
- leaves hung vertically minimse sun exposure
How do plants increase water absorption in hot enviroetmnsts
having extesnive root systems that abosrb water from undergournd in order to reserve the water for photosytensis through transpiration
How to minimse water loss for plants
- Closing the somata pores via transpiration during times of the day where there is not a lot of sunlight and phototensyhsis is not as effiecent eg. 2pm but then open againa t 4pm
or a humid environemtn can be created by sunken stomata whichcreate pockets within the leaves
or by storing large amounts of water eg. in their trunk or stem
How does closing stomata pores prevent photoeyshteniss from occuring
No exchanges of gases occuring
summarise the 3 ways plant create water balacne in hot enriovnrments
- deep root systems
- Water storage
- Sunken stomata
summarise methods of temperauter balances plants use to adapt to the hot enirovremnts
- reflcetive or light coloured leaves
- hanging leaves vertically
- leaves having a low surface area
why does an animal witha circular sphere shape able to maintain body tmeprature at aconstant rate
Spheres have to a large surface area to volume ratio therefore they are able to maintain a constant body temperature effiecntly
oppostie of hiberation,
tupoorr that occurs for an extneded period of time in hot conditins
1a) distinguish vasoconstriction and vasodilation
1b) if an animal was placed in a cold environment, which of the above processes occurs and why
b) vasoconctricons due to narrowign of blood veseels so less blod flow and ultiamtely less heat is rleease and more is covserved which is beneifcla in cold enviornemnts
when its hot/cold plants lose their leaves in summer why
decreased requiremnet of water and nutrients
what is transpiration/when doe sit increase/decrease
transpiraton is the movement of the water through the stomata,
themore stomata the larger the SA:V=more transpiration
in hot enviroemts what happens to trnapsiatrtion
due to a low surface area transpiration decreases leading toincreased water conservation
in cold enivornemnts does gemriantion ocucr
no due to lack of sungliht
seed doramcny
seeds that are adaptedto staying intact during cold whether so they dont germinate or die, its really helpful because it preventsseeds from being wasted
cold waters are still populated by ectothermic fish . how do they survive the cold
antifreeze proteins stop proteins from freezing as this occurs in cold temperatures, which meansthatenzyme actviity works asas normal and the cell can carry outits functions as well ulmtialey allwoing theectothermfish to survive
Why is it a complication to close the stomata pores to minimse water loss
this prevenst photysntehisis from occuring) which is why in order lthe stomata pores will close during times of the day where there is not a lot of sunlight and phototensyhsis is not as effiecent eg. 2pm but then open again at 4pm