Adapations 3 Flashcards
What are the negavites of a cold environremnt
- The lower tempearutres may freeze cell due to low temperature and cause the cell to rupture cell]
- The piereicng winds exert high pressure onto plants and remove moisture nad heat from the surface of the orgnaism
- Lack of food soirces advlaiaeble from plants or other animals
Structural adpations for animals in cold enviornrments
Insulation such as thick fur or fat to keep heat trapped
Smaller SA:V ratio so that less heat can be released and released at slower rate
Anaima;s are shaped more sphere because the more sphere shaped an organism is the better they are at maintainigng their body temperature
Physiological adaptions for animals in cold environremts
- Vasoconstriction as it reduce sblood sruface flow to the skin to minimse heat loss
- counter current system- exhcnage of heat from arteries to veins to prevent “cold blood” from circulating around the core of the body
- Lowered metabolic activity during hibernation
- Antifreeze proteins preventing cells frm freezing
Behavioural adaptions of animals in cold enviornrments
Huddling- decreases SA:V to minimse heat loss
Seeking shelter- to remove self from harsh elemetns(wind, snow)
Reducing exposed Surface area to reduce heat loss
Migrating to water climates for greater food resoucres nad breeding conditions
Summarise structural, physiological and behavioural adaptions of animals in cold environments
Structural: Insulation such as fur or fat
Physiological: Vasoconstriction, counter currnet circulation, antifreeze proteins, and decreased metabolism during hibernation
Behavioural: Huddling, seeking shelter and migration
How do plants adapt to cold environments
Antifreeze-when proteins are created to disrupt the formation of ice crystals to maintain cell fluidity
When temperatures fall, concentration of solutes such as glucose increases which prevents cells from freezing
- Dropping of leaves to avoid lead tissue from freezing
- Less energy and water is required for the plant to survive in winter months
4.Seed dormancy
Why do nuts have so many calories
Due to antifreeze as they are not ready to flouris so they have all this glucose stored in them thta was meant to be usedfor their growht
What is seed dormancy
Seeds remain dormant until the correct conditions are available (water, sunlight)
When seeds detect an increase in temperature, they will sprout and grow during the favourable conditions in the spring-summer months
Population size, distribution and density are a measure
a population’s structure.
Population size:
is the total number of members within any given population
carrying capacity
is the maximum population size that an environment can sustain
Population size may increase or decrease over time, however there is a limit to how much the environment can support the population. This is known as the
carrying capacity
what happens when populations exceed the carryign capacity
Populations exceeding the carrying capacity may struggle to sustain food, water, shelter.
Population distribution refers to, is based on and can provide information about?
Refers to its geographical spread across different areas.
The population is based on the habitat of a species and their ability to tolerate different environments
Can provide information about interbreeding or gene flow
Uniform distribution
indivudls within a population are spread evenely eg cacti as tey compete for mositure
Random distrubtuion
Occurs when individuals are independent of other. Example, spider populations tend to have less interactions with other spiders
Clumped distribution:
Occurs when members of the same species interact in groups around a resources such as food or shelter. Example, wolfs hunting.
Population may increase due to
More births than deaths
Immigration of other organisms into the population
Population may decrease due to
More deaths than births
Emigration out of a population
Population densitywhat is, compare dense and not dense populations and what 2 factors effect population density
Refers to the number of individuals in a given area, such as individuals per square kilometre.
Dense populations would use up more resources than less dense populations
Two factors impacting population density:
Density independent factors
Density dependent factors
what are density independent factors
factors of the enviornment that are not affected as density changes
Weather events – flooding
Extreme weather
density depednet factors what is it, include an example and what does it include
factors of the enviornmrent that change with the density of the species
eg.if density is high, food sources would decrease
Competition for food sources
what is an ecosystem composed of and the interactions within the ecosystem are either
An ecosystem is composed of a complex network of interactions and interdependencies between species
These interactions can either be
Beneficial (+)
Neutral (0)
Negative (–)
Why inbreeding cause lack of genetic diveirsty
lack of variation in alleles so grater chances of extinsicton cause….
how does sweating and vasoidlaiton cause heat loss
sweating causes heatloss because water has a high heat capacity so whenevr we sweat, along with the water along the heta exists the body.
Vasoildation causes heat loss because the widening of the blood vessels releases heat
why is excessive soil salinity a problem for plants? List 2 physiolgoical adaptionsthat allow plants to survivein high saline enviorments
Excessive soil salinity is a problem for plants as water from the plants will be lost to the soil due to a difference in concentration gradient.
Guard cells closing to prevnt wate rloss from stomta and sunken stomata to create a humid environment
why are clownfish and sea anomesm mutaltism
the sea anoemmes protect clowfnish from predators, whilst the clownfish attract other fish that the sea anemomes cna eat
how does the distrubtion of animals affect their geneitd diviersty
aniamls that arelocatedclose togehter may interbreed which would increase gneietc diviersty
denisty dpenfedn factors
factors thatare dependent on population denisty, eg. when there is more animals population ednsity increaes the amount of food resources COULD decreases eg, smaller population density then more compeititon of species for mates like kangorors
symbiotivc relo