Adaptions 1 Flashcards
Biotic factors
Livingfactprs that influecne population growth or decline eg. competition with other speciies for food
Abiotic factors
inherited non liviing characteriiscs that make an orgnaism better suited for their enivornment and increase their chance of suriival eg. humans use to have curled feet so that we could climb trees to look for predators and food
Types of adaptions
Structural adaptions
Physiological adaptions
Behavioural adaptions
What is the tolerance range
The range of enviornmental conditions that organisms are able to tolerate for survival
physiolgocial adaption
physicologyical adaptions are a feature of an organisms functioning that incrases its chance of surival eg. sweaitng to evpaorate heat and decearease body temp
behavioiral adaptions
actions perofrmed by orgnaisms that helps an organism to survive and reproduce
as without genetic varation, natural selection cannot happen this means that
a species cannot evolve without natural selection, therefore species is less likely to survive
biotic and abiotic pollinators
iotic pollinators are living organisms, while abiotic pollinators are non-living mechanisms of pollen transfer.
interactions etween organisms and the enviornrment eg. explain the relationship between bees and flowers
group of animals belonging to the same species in the same area
Structual adaption
physialc features usually extneral that improve nad organsims chances of surivval eg. long ears to increase heat loss
area of the enviornment when a commnity of species live eg, rainforsest
define adaptions
Inherited characteristics that makes an organism better suited to its environment and increases its chance of survival
What allows a greater resilence to envorental change
having a larger gene pool because then there are lots of alleles and thus a greater chance that of those alleles there are some alleles that will adapt to the new enviornemnt
In a hot dry desert, list structural, physiooliglca and behvairoual adaptions of animals in this enviornrment
- Strucutal adaptions: Less fur and fat to decrease insulatiion of heat and the animals will have a low SA:V ratio of the body that less heat is absorbed but large SA:V of the ears so more heat can be released
2.Physicolgical adaption: Sweating
3.Behaviorual adaption: The animal may dig a burrow to hide themeslevs from the hot sun
what does coutner current flow do
maints bdoy temp as warm blood that flows in one direction is exchanged with the cold blood that runs in the opposite direction
why is counter currnet flow benficial into a cold enviornemtn isntead of a heat environment
counter current flow reduces heat loss, and makes sure body temp isnt lowered.
why do plants need to adapt to cold envroments
lackof food resources, less photoshtnesis lacko f
plant are dying due an enzyme malfunction, what is an adaption for a plant for this
Plants produce antifree proteins which disurpt the formation of ice within cells,which allows to increased enzymeactivity and ulmitaely for nutrients to be transolocated and water to be transported
At low temperatures, cell membrane fluidity decreases, which can quickly lead to disruption of the lipid bilayer, decreased membrane protein effectiveness, and cell contents leaking out. To deal with this, many cold-adapted plants will do what?
alters chemical composition of the lipid membranes for example increased cholesterol production
what are bhevairoual adpations of animalsto sruivial inhot desert
being nocturnal to evade predators and hunt for food at night
1.low sa:v allows less heat to be abosrbed eg. elephant bodies
2.reduced SA:V allosw heat to be absorbed slowly
ammenalism nad give an example
a relationship where organism experiences a negative impact whilst another orgniams is not harmed
eg. bacteria are killed by the fungi, penicillin. te fungiis not harmed when the bacteria is killed
where one orgnaism the parasite feeds on the the host, it doesnt kill the host but it causes harm
keystone speicies
species that play a criticl role in the maintaining the structure of an ecosystem
Scientists believe that the hunting and elimination of dingoes by European settlers resulted in an increase in the numbers of smaller marsupial predators that hunted much of their prey to extinction. Describe how this information would suggest that dingoes are a keystone species in Australian ecosystems
dingoes provided balance in this ecosystem. Remvoing the dingos caused an increas ein the population of smaller masrupail predators tha causes dingoes pray to become extinisct.
what makes a speices a keystone speices
being at the top of the food chain and apex predators
coutner currentflwo
exchnage of heat between arteries and veins in parelle directions