Adaptability Flashcards
Postural Adaptation and Movement Adaptability
Looser/more fluid fascia adapts more easily and denser/less fluid takes longer
Long term adaptability
For better or worse adapts to movement patterns
Immediate movement adaptability
When you move fascia adapts immediately to support movement
What changes in architecture?
Tissue composition and fiber alignment
Feedback Loop: Functional and form
Form follows function and function alters form:
Form follows function
Fascial architecture (form) develops with use (function)
Function alters with form
How fascia is used (function) changes with its architecture (form)
Feedback Loop
Altered use leads to different architecture and altered architecture leads to different use
Why doesn’t the IT band keep getting thicker
Fascia is smart/regulates
Building up process
With load and tension fascia develops (fibroblasts/myofibroblasts)
Once it hits the needed architecture goes to maintenance mode
Fascial Patterns Complex
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“It is good for us to remember when we unwind a pattern we are giving up something that held value for us.
Movement adaptability
Fascia’s ability to adapt to mvoement you want it to be likewell fit jeans (stable, but adaptable (stretchy))
Fascial Resilience
This is a good term to describe immediate fascial resilience. Tissue resilience supports optimal force transmission: adds to our agility and ability
Keys to fascial resilience
Not just flexibility but also tissue ability to recoil