Acute Perio Lesions and Mucogingival conditions Flashcards
A. 7‐14% of all emergency patients, 3rd most common
B. 60% of untreated periodontal patients
C. 13.5% of patients in active periodontal treatment
D. 37% of patients in periodontal maintenance
Perio abcess
Localized accumulation of pus located within the gingival wall of the periodontal pocket, with an expressed periodontal breakdown occurring during a limited period of time, and with easily detectable clinical symptoms.
Etiology Pulp necrosis, Periodontal infections Pericoronitis Trauma Surgery Foreign body impaction
Perio abcess
Sequence of events of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_: 1.Occlusion on existing perio pocket 2. Bacterial invasion of soft tissue wall 3. Leukocytic infiltration 4. Vascular thrombosis •5. Edema and swelling. •6. Tissue necrosis & liquefaction. •7. Collagenolysis & bone resorption. •8. Production of purulent exudate.
Abscess formation
•Most common symptoms in order of
decreasing frequency of perio abscess (4)
• 1. Pain • 2. Swelling and Edema • 3. Lymphadenopathy • 4. Fever
•Multiple abscess formation is often a manifestation of what 3 things?
•Diabetes (Uncontrolled or undiagnosed): the vast
majority of the cases have this as cause.
•AIDS (compromised immune system)
•Depressed Immune System (steroid therapy,
The majority of the microorgs in perio abscesses are gram ____ and aerobic or anaerobic
Gram neg; anaerobi
What are the 2 most important microrgs in acute abscesses?
P gingivalis
P intermedia
Microbiology of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ •Treponema (spirochetes) •Fusobacterium nucleatum •Prevotella intermedia •Porphyromonas gingivalis •Peptostreptococcus micros •Tannerella forysthia •Candida albicans
Perio abscesses
Histopathology of ______:
Acute inflammatory infiltrate
Vascular hyperemia and thrombosis
Lysis of the collagen matrix in the lamina propria and the gingival
Ulceration and apical proliferation of JE
Osteoclastic mediated bone resorption
Perio Abscess
What are the abscess complications? 3
Tooth loss (up to 45% of teeth with periodontal abscesses in maintenance are extracted) Bacteremia following abscess treatment Chronic or episodic bacteremia from untreated periodontal disease
SHould every abscess be given abx?
NO; only with fever and lymphadenopathy
What are the 4 conditions that present with pain in perio disease?
Acute pericoronitis
Acute perio abscess
Acute Herpetic Gingivostomatisis
Acute NUG
What is the minimum mm of keratinized gingiva needed? Attached gingiva?
2mm; 1 mm
Is keratinized tissue the same thing as attached gingiva?
Nope; all attached gingiva is keratinized by not all keratinized tissue is attached (free gingiva)
_______ by definition is apical migration of
the gingival margin with concomitant exposure of the
root surface.
•This condition affects a large population irrespective of
Oral Hygiene.
•Estimated prevalence:
•54.5% of young adults
•100% Middle aged‐Elderly adults suffer from Gingival
recessions with an average prevalence of 78.6%
•Gingival recession
CEJ detectable without step
Class A -
CEJ detectable with step
Class A +
CEJ undetectable without step
Class B -
CEJ undetectable with step
Class B +
Predisposing factors of \_\_\_\_\_\_\_: •1. Periodontal Biotype and attached Gingiva •2. The impact of tooth brushing •3. The impact of cervical restorative margins •4. The impact of orthodontics •5. Other conditions
Mucogingival defects
- Ging recession
- Inadequate zone of keratinized gingiva
Recession Type (RT) \_\_\_\_\_ Gingival Recession with No loss of interproximal attachment. Interproximal CEJ was not detected either on the mesial or distal aspect of the tooth. Cairo F, Pagliaro U, Nieri M. Treatment of gingival recession with
RT 1
Recession Type (RT) ____‐Gingival recession associated with loss
of interproximal attachment. The amount of interproximal
attachment loss was less or equal to the buccal attachment
RT 2
Recession Type (RT) ____‐Gingival recession with the loss of interproximal
attachment. Interproximal attachment loss is greater than the buccal
attachment loss.
RT 3
If recession is left untreated, what usually occurs?
Increased recession along with new sites of recession