Acute limping child Flashcards
define a limp
abnormal gait commonly due to pain, weakness or deformity.Defined as a shorter stance phase (weight-bearing) on the affected limb.
common DDX and causes are…
toxic synovitis, osteomylitis, septic arthritis, infective myositis, trauma
main site of origin in children
trimordial age specific causes of limps
0-5 = trauma, toxic synovitis, osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, DDH, JIA. 5-10 = trauma, toxic synovitis, ostemomyelitis, septic arthritis, Perthes disease. 10-15 = trauma, ostemomyelitis, septic arthritis, SUFE, chondromalacia, neoplasm.
what do you ask in a hx for an acute limping child?
duration, progression, recent trauma, associated pain, accompanying weakness, time of day when it is worst, can the child bear weight/walk, interference with normal activities, systemic features,medical hx, drug hx, fhx.
Antalgic gait…shortened stance gait…
reduced range of motion, tenderness, xray to test. From - trauma, overuse, toddlers fracture, infection, inflammation
abductor lurch…
trendelenburg sign, pelvic radiograph to test, from- hip dysplasia, cerebral palsy
equinus gait…toe to heel gait…
heel-cord contracture, neuro exam needed, from - cerebral palsy, clubfoot
circumduction gait…
during swing phase, assess limb length, neuro exam needed, check range of motion, need a orthodiagram, painful foot and leg length inequality.
On examination what do you look for?
sole of foot for for foreign bodies, deformity erythema, swelling, effuison, limitation of active ROM, asymmetry. Assess shoes for unusual wear on the soles, asymmetry, point of initial foot strike, and also assess the fit. In older children look for scoliosis, midline dimples, and hairy patches, which could indicate spinal pathology. Assess gait with the child barefoot. Assess thigh or calf circumference for asymmetry. Leg length assessment.
hip, ankels, knee
what may be seen in the clinical fatures anf patient hx?
limp, pain, malaise, temperature, URTI, ear infections, trauma, pseudoparalysis, listen to the parent.
xray, uss, bloods (wcc, crp, esr, ck, cultures)
what is the presentation of septic arthritis?
Limping, Pseudoparalysis, Swollen, red joint, Refusal to move joint and cannot weight bear, Pain, Temperature, mainly effects the knee and hip. Bacteria can reach the joint via - hematogenous route, dissemination from osteomyelitis, adjacent soft tissue infection, penetrating tauma
Ix for septic arthritis
fbc shows raised wcc and esr. Blood cultures, xray, US, synovial fluid shows raised wcc. Also gram stain and culture synovial fluid.
Kocher criteria
pyrexia>38degrees, weight bearing, wbc>12000, esr >40. number of criteria posiitve: 4-99%, 3-93%, 2=40%
supportive, abx, surgical drainage and lavage.
After blood cultures and joint aspiration - iv antibiotics, (fluclox, vanc if methicillin resistant, iv fluids, arthoscopic washout (surgical drainage and lavage). arthroscopy, arthrotomy.
what is the incidence of Osteomyelitis?
2-13/100000, mean age 6yo, rf = blunt trauma and recent infection
what is it caused by?
staph.aureus infection
presenting features
pain, localised symptoms, fever, reduced range of movement, reduced weight bearing
what are key inflammatory markers?
what are indications for surgery in osteomyelitis?
aspiration for culture, drainage of subperiosteal abcess, drainage of joint sepsis, debriedment of dead tissue, failure to improve, biopsy in equivocal cases
when is it toxic/transient synovitis?
limping, unwell, hx of viral infection, apyrexial, low crp, normal wcc, may have joint infusion,
Case 1…
8yo, kicked by friend, temp 39.8, night pain, pain on rotation of hip on examination, wcc10, crp107, esr88, hb122, apyrexial on admission. Normal pelvic audiograph, ddx - spetic arthritis, transient/toxic synovitis, osteomyelitis.
MRI - obturator internus abcess
Case 2…
12 years old 2 week history of vague heel pain, Red swollen over posterior heel, Fit and well, toe weight bearing, Hb 127 CRP 34 WCC 6.4.
represented with ongoing heel pain - Mild pyrexia, Touch weight bearing, sore heel, ankle joint no effusion on examination, CRP 44, WCC 11.5, Hb 127, Blood cultures done.
Case 3…
14 months old, Increasingly unwell at home pyexial, off milk, Mum noticed leg swelling, Admitted to medical ward with sepsis, USS left knee done reported as no effusion, Group A Strep grown in blood culture, MRI scan of leg done, verbal & written report of no collection, scan - effusion in knee, extensive muscle involvement
Case 4…
12yo, 2 week sudden onset L buttock pain, GP dx ischial bursitis & gave injection with some improvement, Presented to RACH with pyrexia & unwell reduced hip movement but not terrible, Hb 104, WCC 12, CRP 83, ESR 95. Large collection in the Iliacus, CT guided drainage.
what features raise concerns of neoplasm (cancer)
night pain, stops doing sports/going out, sweats and fatigue, abnormal bloods - low hb, atypical blood film and platelets, get an paediatrician/oncology opinion.