Acute Inflammation Flashcards
triggers to acute inflammation (5)
pathogens(bacteria, viruses, parasites) physical agents( frost bites, radiation) chemical agents(chemical burns, irritants) mechanical injury (trauma, crush) foreign bodies( silica, swallowed bones)
purpose of inflammation (5)
- alert the body
- limit spread of infection
- protect injured site from becoming more infected
- eliminate dead cells
- create conditions required for healing
5 R’s
- recognition of injury
- recruitment of leucocytes
- removal of injurious agent
- regulation(closure of inflammatory response)
- resolution/ repair of affected tissue
local signs of inflammation (5)
redness swelling heat pain loss of function
what is pain due to
release of pain mediators
what is swelling due to
fluid accumulation in tissue due to increased permeability of vessels
what are the systemic changes in acute inflammation
synthesis of neutrophils
acute phase proteins
what are some examples of indogenous pyrogens
what are exogenous pyrogens
microbial components
what is neurophilia
neutrophil synthesis
which protein does neurophilia occur by
examples of acute phase proteins
c-reactive protein
serum amyloid A protein (SAP)
where are acute phase proteins produced
what is the acute phase protein production induced by
what will an increase in fibrinogen do
stacking of RBC’s (called rouleaux)
resulting in a faster sedimentation rate
3 vascular events
- vasodilation due to histamine+ serotonin
- inc blood flow to area(influx of WBC’s, O@, nutrients)
- blood vessel permeability increases