Acting As We Feel Flashcards
Define in one word Attitude and Behaviour
What is the LaPierre (1934) study?
LaPierre (1934) drove through the U.S. with a Chinese couple. They stopped at over 250 restaurants and hotels and were refused service only once. Several months later, the owners were surveyed on whether they would serve Chinese people. The response was overwhelmingly negative, 92 percent of those surveyed said that they would not. In this case, clearly, their behavior gave less evidence of racial bias than their expressed attitudes did.
What are Moderating Variables?
They moderate the relation between attitudes and behaviour.
Do Atitudes always predict behaviour?
Attitudes do not always predict behavior. In order to accurately predict behavior, it is necessary to take into account other variables.
What are the Qualities of the Behavior?
Specific behaviors are best predicted by equivalently specific attitude measures, to the action target, context and time of the action;
While general patterns of behavior are better predicted by general attitude measures.
What are the Qualities of the Person?
Personality traits influence accuracy and consistency of attitude behaviour relationship:
Two main groups:
Those who rely on their inner-feelings(more consistent);
Those who are more situational.
Locus of control: “amount of control people perceive themselves having over their lives and environment”.
Level of moral reasoning:
Higher/Lower moral reasoning.
Self-monitoring dimension - Snyder
people with low scores on self-monitoring.
people with high scores of self-monitoring.
What are the Qualities of the Situation?
Social Norms: what is socially acceptable will overrule one’s attitude.
Vested Interest: being personally affected increases attitude behaviour consistency.
Time Pressure:
○ under time constraints, people default to their own attitudes.
○ when there is more time, there is less bias to their decision.
Situational Cues: being prompted to think about one’s attitude means they are more likely to follow it.
What are the Qualities of the Attitude?
Direct Experience: direct experience causes one to act more in line with their attitude and makes the attitude more accessible.
Accessibility: determined by the amount of time it takes for a person to answer about their attitude.
Information: more information means more consistency with attitudes, and this is independent of direct experience.
Explain the Ajzen and Fishbein’s Theory of Reasoned Act
TRA: Behavior is guided by intentions influenced by attitudes and social norms. Example: If you like recycling and feel others expect it, you’ll likely recycle.
Explain the Fazio’s Attitude-to-Behaviour Process Model
Fazio’s Model: Automatic attitudes can also shape behavior without conscious intention. Example: If you automatically like exercise, you’ll probably do it even without planning to.
What’s the difference between Ajzen and Fishbein’s Theory and Fazio’s Model?
Both stress attitudes in behavior, but Fazio adds automatic attitudes.