Act III, IV, and V of Macbeth Flashcards
What does Banquo say about how Macbeth became king in Macbeth?
He cheated
What three questions does Macbeth ask Banquo in Macbeth?
If he is riding, how far he is going to ride, and if Fleance is going with him.
What is Macbeth’s long speech in which he reveals his thoughts about Banquo in Macbeth called?
What does Macbeth compare all kinds of men to in Macbeth?
What are Macbeths plans for the night in Act III in Macbeth?
To have Banquo and Fleance killed
What did Macbeth tell the murderers about Banquo that would give them reason to murder him in Macbeth?
That Banquo caused their poverty and all their problems and is their enemy
Has gaining the throne brought Macbeth and Lady Macbeth the happiness they expected in Macbeth?
Who does Macbeth suggest is sleeping more soundly than he is in Macbeth?
The dead
Why do you think Macbeth chooses to keep his plans for Banquo’s murder from Lady Macbeth in Macbeth?
Because he doesn’t want to talk about it and says it will be more impressive that way
Who is killed in Scene 3 of Act IV in Macbeth?
Who gets away in Scene 3 of Act IV in Macbeth?
What is possible as long as Fleance is alive in Macbeth?
The witches prophecy about Banquo’s sons can come true and Macbeth’s throne is threatened
What is climax?
The place in which the protagonist reaches his peak of power
What is the climax in Macbeth?
When Banquo is murdered
What is turning point?
the point in which things start going against the protagonist
What is the turning point in Macbeth?
When Fleance escapes the murder plot
What are the three possibilities for the third murderer in Macbeth?
Macbeth, just another murderer, or one of the witches
Who comes to the door to report to Macbeth about Banquo’s murder in Macbeth?
The first murderer
Who is sitting in Macbeth’s place at the banquet in Macbeth?
The ghost of Banquo
How does Lady Macbeth explain Macbeth’s behavior in Macbeth?
Saying he’s having a fit
After Macbeth sees the ghost the second time, how does Lady Macbeth explain her husband’s behavior to the guests in Macbeth?
Saying that it’s a habit
What does Macbeth’s line “blood will have blood” mean in Macbeth?
If you kill once you will keep killing
What do many critics believe about Scene 5 of Act III in Macbeth?
That another author wrote and added it after Shakespeare’s death
What does Lennox’s sarcastic tone in Scene 6 of Act III suggest about Macbeth’s future as king in Macbeth?
That he will be overthrown
Who has gone to England to raise an army to oppose Macbeth in Macbeth?
Macduff and Malcolm
Which English king is going to help him overthrow Macbeth in Macbeth?
Edward the Confessor
Why is Lady Macduff upset with her husband in Macbeth?
He ran away spontaneously without patience or thinking and abandoned his family
Why has Macduff really gone to England in Macbeth?
To help Malcolm raise an army to defeat Macbeth
Why is the scene between Lady Macduff and her son humorous in Macbeth?
The son’s answers are far to clever for a child
What is comedic relief?
a scene meant to provide relief relief from emotional intensity
What happens to Lady Macduff and her son in Macbeth?
Murderers come looking for Macbeth and kill his son and chases Lady Macduff
What are a few on the bad traits that Malolm mentions that he has when he is testing Macduff in Macbeth?
He has unending lust and greed
Which king did Shakespeare want to flatter by adding the scene where sick people were waiting for the king to kill their illness in Macbeth?
King Edward
What news does Ross tell Macduff in Macbeth?
That his wife and children were killed
Who pledges that he will get revenge on Macbeth at the end of Act IV in Macbeth?
What are the political conditions in Scotland during Act V of Macbeth?
It is out of control with no laws and people starving and going crazy
What is Macbeth’s mood in Scene 3 of Act V in Macbeth?
He is rushed and confident
What is the importance of the camouflage in Scene 4 of Act 5 in Macbeth?
To make Macbeth think their are less soldiers than there actually are
Why do the women of the castle cry and scream in Macbeth?
Lady Macbeth killed herself
What is Young Siward’s reaction to the name Macbeth in Macbeth?
He said the devil couldn’t even say a name he hates more
Why does Macbeth speak of playing the Roman fool in Scene 8 of Act V in Macbeth?
He is talking about someone who committed suicide but he said he won’t do that
How does Macduff reveal Macbeth’s doom in Macbeth?
Saying that he was not actually born by a woman like the prophecy said
Who will be the new king at the end of Macbeth?
What is the theme of Macbeth?
Being greedy and wanting power and blood will lead to consequences