Act II. Scene 3 Flashcards
How are you otherwise?
I don’t know what’s the matter with me. I must have had too much sun yesterday
I thought it was Sandy’s typewriter woke me up
Hello! Isn’t a fine day, though! Is everyone fine? That’s fine! My I’m hearty.
It’s awfully easy to get too much
My eyes don’t open properly. Please go home Dext
Not till we get those eyes open
Uncle Willie, good morning
That remains to be seen
Aren’t you here early?
It’s nearly half past twelve
It can’t be!
Maybe it can’t but it is
Where- where’s mother?
Do you want her?
No I just wondered
She’s talking with the orchestra, and father, and the minister, and-
Doctor Parsons- already?
And it’s Saturday
Thanks loads. It’s nice to have things accounted for. – Only I wonder what this might be?
It looks terribly like a wristwatch
But who is? I found it in my room. I nearly stepped on it
Getting out of bed?
Yes. Why?
I just wondered.
There’s another mystery, uncle Willy.
You don’t say
Yes – my bracelet and my engagement ring are missing everywhere
Here you are
But you weren’t at the party
Wasn’t I?
We’re are you?
Don’t tell me you don’t remember!
I – I do now, sort of – but there were such a lot of people
There’s nothing like a swim after a late night
– A swim
Oh Dinah if conversation drags, you might tell Tracy your dream
What did he say?
Tray – I hate you to get married and go away
I’ll miss you, darling. I’ll miss all of you
It isn’t like when you marry Dexter and you just moved down the road a ways
I’ll come back often. It’s only Wilkes-Barre
It gripes me
You know I did had the funniest dream about you last night
Did you? What was it?
It was terribly interesting, – and awfully scary, sort of –
Do you like my dress Dina?
Yes ever so much
It feels awfully heavy – you better rush and get ready yourself
Turn around Tracy. Yes it looks lovely
What’s that – that scratching sound I hear?
I can’t quite grasp it. Get dressed, Dina.
That sun is certainly bright alright isn’t it?
It was up awfully early
Was it?
It’s supposed to be the longest day of the year or something isn’t it?
I wouldn’t doubt it for a minute
It was all certainly pretty rooty tooth
What was?
I dream
Dina, you’ll have to learn sooner or later that no one is interested in anyone else’s dreams.
And guess what I thought I saw coming over out of the woods?
I haven’t the faintest idea. A skunk?
It was Mr. Connor
Mr Connor?
With his both arms full of something. And guess what it turned out to be?
It was sort of like as if you were coming from the pool-
Cool – I’m going crazy. I’m standing here solidly on my own two hands going crazy. – And then what?
His wind can’t be very good
And then what –?
Was sort of crooning –
I never crooned in my life!
I guess it was just sort of sounded like you were. Then he – guess what?
I- couldn’t possibly
And then I must have fallen even faster asleep, because the next thing I knew it was 8 o’clock and the typewriter still going
Sandy – typewriter -
So in a minute I got up and went to your door and peeked in to make sure you were alright – and guess what?
You were. He was gone by then
Gone? of course he was gone – he was never there
I know Tracy
Well! I should certainly hope you did!
I just wouldn’t know what to do – and it was all only a dream.
I know Dexter said so straight off – but isn’t it funny, though –
Yes – he said –
You told dexter all that?
Not one single word. – But you know how quick he is
Dina Lord – you little fiend how can you –?
I’m going
Yes Tracy?
I’m glad you came back. I’m glad you’re here
Thank you child
I’m sorry – I’m truly sorry I’m a disappointment to you
Good morning
Oh hello
How do you do?
Did – did you have a good sleep?
Wonderful. How about you?
Marvelous. Have you ever seen a heckuva day?
Never. what did it set you back?
Got it for nothing, for being a good girl
I’m going, don’t worry –
Why should you?
I guess you must have things you wish to discuss
Things to –? What are you talking about?
I’ll be ready when you are.
She’s always trying to make trouble – how’s your work coming – are you doing us up Brown?
I’ve – somehow I’ve lost my angle
How do you mean, Mike?
I just got so damn tolerant all at once, I doubt if I’ll ever be able to write another line.
You are a fella, Mike.
Or the mug of this world I don’t know
When you’re at work you ought to be doing, you’ll soon see that tolerance – what’s the matter with your chin?
Does it show?
A little. Why?
I guess I just stuck it out too far
- into a door, in the dark?
Are you - are you alright Tracy?
Me? Of course ! Why shouldn’t I be?
That was a flock of wine we put away
I never felt better in my life
That’s just Daisy
I – I guess we’re both lucky to have such good head
Yes, I guess
It must be awful for people who – you know – get up and make speeches or – or try to start a fight – or you know – misbehave in general
It certainly must
It must be- some sort if hidden weakness coming out
Weakness? Im not so sure of that
Anyhow, I had a simply wonderful evening. I hope you enjoyed it too
I enjoyed the last part of it
Really? Why?- why especially the last?
Are you asking me, Tracy?
Oh, you mean the swim!- we did swim, and so forth, didn’t we?
We swam and so forth
You darling darling girl
What can I say to you? Tell me darling –
Not anything – don’t say anything. And especially not darling.
Never in this world will I ever forget you
Not anything I said
You’re going to go through it with it, and then-
Through with what?
The Wedding
Why – why shouldn’t I?
Hello I’m only saying what you said last night!
I said a lot of things last night, it seems.
But understand: also no regrets about last night.
Why should I have?
You’re aces Tracy
You don’t know what I mean! I’m asking you- tell me straight out – tell me the reason why I should have any – no – don’t - just tell me – what time is it?
What happened to my wristwatch?
Why? Is it broken?
It’s gone. I’ve lost it somewhere.
I can’t tell you how extremely sorry I am to hear that
Oh well – I’d always just as soon not know the time
There on the table –
I’ll give a reward, or something.
I don’t think any reward will be expected
Dr.’s orders tray
What is it
Just the juice of a few flowers
Peppermint –
It removes the sting
Oh Dext – don’t say that!
Why not Tray?
– Nothing will – nothing ever can. Oh, dexter – I’ve been the most terrible thing to you
I doubt it very much
You don’t know, you don’t know!
Well maybe I shouldn’t
You’ve got to – you must! I couldn’t stand it, if you didn’t! Oh Dext – what am I going to do
A fellow named Kittredge or something
George –
I splendid chap- very high morals – very broad shoulders –
I’ve got to tell him
Tell him what?
I’ve got to tell him
But if he’s got any brain at all, he’ll have realized by this time what a fool he made of himself, when he –
– When he what? Hello? Hello, George – this is Tracy, look – I don’t care whether it’s bad luck or not, but I’ve got to see you for a minute before the wedding – what what note? I didn’t get any note – when? Well, why didn’t someone tell me? – Right come on the run. He sent a note over at 10 o’clock
I told you he’d come to his senses.
Was – was he here, too?
My god- why didn’t you sell tickets?
Finish your drink
Will it help?
You rang miss?
Isn’t there a not for me from Mr. Kittridge somewhere?
I believe it was put on the hall table upstairs. Mrs. Lawrence said not to disturb you
I’d like to have it, if I may
Very well, Miss
Say something, Dext- anything.
No- you do
Oh Dext- I’m wicked! I’m such an unholy mess of a girl
That’s not even conversation
But never in all my life – not if I live to be 100 – will I ever forget the way you tried to – to stand me on my feet again this morning.
I like my presents at least to be acknowledged
It was beautiful and sweet, Dext
She was quite a boat the true love
Was and is
She had the same initials as yours- did you ever realize that?
No I never did
My she was yare
She was yare alright. I wasn’t what I?
Wasn’t what
I’ll never forget you down on your knees on the deck every morning with your little can of Polish
I wouldn’t let even you help, would I?
Not even me
I made her shine – where is she now?
I’m going to sell her to Rufus Wachress at Oyster Bay
You’re going to sell the true love?
Why not?
For money?
He wired an offer yesterday
To that fat old rum pot?
What the hell does it matter?
She’s too clean, she’s too yare.
But of course., if you should want her
-No- I don’t want her
I’m going to design another for myself along more practical lines
Are you?
I started on the drawings a couple of weeks ago
What will you call her?
I thought the “True Love II”- what do you think?
Dexter if you call any boat that I promise I’ll blow that boat with you aboard right out of the water
I know it’s not very imaginative but-
Just try that’s all! formation Mark I’ll tell you what she can call it, if you like –
In fond rememberance of me-
The Easy Virtue
Trey I’ll be damned if I’ll have you thinking such things of yourself!
What would you like me to think?
But I do know that virtue so-called is no matter of a single misstep or two
You don’t think so?
Something inherent it’s something regardless of anything
Like fun it is
Maybe this is your coming of age
I don’t know – oh, I don’t know anything anymore!
That’s just fine Tray
Oh be still you! Thanks Edward
All our best wishes Miss
Thanks Edward, thanks very much
And all ours Tracy
Thank you, thank you everybody.
Tray – he’s here! he’s arrived!
Who has
Kid – Sydney kid
What for? What does he want?
What the – !
Oh, now I remember
Tracy? Tracy!
I’m afraid it’s the deadline Tracy
So is this. Listen – “my dear Tracy: your conduct last night was so shocking to my ideals of womanhood, that my attitude toward you and the prospect of a happy and beautiful life together has changed materially. Your, to me, totally unexpected breach of common decency, not to mention the moral aspect –”
Hello, George
Tracy- all these people
It’s only a letter from a friend. They’re my friends too. “-Not to mention the moral aspect, certainly entitles me to a full explanation, before going through with our proposed marriage. And the light of day, I am sure that you will agree with me. Otherwise, with profound regrets and all best wishes, yours very sincerely – yes George I quite agree with you – in the light of day or the dark of night for richer for poorer for better for worse in sickness and in health – and thank you so very much for your good wishes at this time
That’s all you got to say?
What else? I wish for your sake, as well as mine, I had an explanation. But unfortunately I have none. You better just say good riddance George
Isn’t easy you know
I don’t see why
You’ll Grant I had a right to be angry and very angry
You certainly had, you certainly have
For your sake, as well, you said –
Yes it would be nice to know
On the very eve of your wedding, and affair with another man –
I told you I agreed George – and I tell you again good riddance to me
That’s for me to decide
Well, I wish you would a little more quickly
Look, Kittridge-
If there was someway to make you see that – that regardless of it – or even because of it – somehow I feel more of a person, George
That’s a little difficult to understand
Yes I can see that it would be
kit Ridge it just might interest you to know that this so-called affair consisted of exactly 2 kisses and one rather late swim
Thanks Mike but there’s no need to –
All of which I thoroughly enjoyed, and the memory of which I wouldn’t part with for anything
It’s no use Mike
I do
Why? Was I so damned unattractive- so distant so forbidding or something that –?
It’s fine talk to!
I’m asking a question!
For wine, and there are rules about that, dammit
Thank you, Mike. I think men are wonderful.
Well that’s a relief I’ll admit. Still –
Why? Where’s the difference? If my wonderful marvelous beautiful virtue is still intact, it’s no thanks to me, I assure you
I don’t think –
– It’s purely by courtesy of the gentleman from South Bend
I appreciate that. It was a little hard for me too at first –
Oh, Liz-
And if we don’t, maybe we ought to
You had too much to drink –
That seems to be the consensus of opinion
Will you promised me never to touch the stuff again?
No George I don’t believe I will. There are certain things about that other girl I rather like
But a man expects his wife -
To behave herself. Naturally.
But if it hadn’t been for the drink last night, all this might not have happened
But apparently nothing did. What made you think it had?
It didn’t take much imagination, I can tell you that
Not much, perhaps – but just of a certain kind
It seems you didn’t think any too well of yourself
That’s the odd thing George somehow I had hoped you’d think better of me and I did
I’m not going to quibble Tracy all the evidence was there
I was guilty straight off – that is, until I was proved innocent
Let’s let bygones be bygones – what do you say question
Yes – and goodbye, Georgia
I don’t understand you
Please – goodbye.
Look Here Tracy
You’re too good for me George. You’re 100 times to good
I never said -
I’d make you most unhappy that is, I do my best to
If that’s the way you want it-
That’s the way it is.
There goes George -
My sainted aunt – that Welter of faces! What in the name of all that’s holy and am I to do?
Forgot your hat Miss Tracy
Oh God – oh dear God – have mercy on Tracy exclamation
Tracy (Mike)
Yes Mike?
Forget the license
I got you into this, I’ll get you out – will you marry me, Tracy?
No Mike – thanks but no
You’ve got me all confused – why not –?
– Because I don’t think Liz would like it – and I’m not sure that you would – and I’m even a little doubtful about myself. But – I’m beholden to you, Mike, I’m most beholden
It’ll be alright Tracy you’ve been got out of jams before
Got out of them, did you say?
Is there anything special you want me to say?
No! I’ll say it, whatever it is – I won’t be got out of Anything more, thanks
Oh this just can’t be happening – it can’t
I’m – I m- hello! Good morning. - I’m -that is to say – I’m terribly sorry to keep you waiting, but – but there’s been a little hitch in the proceedings. I’ve made a terrible fool of myself – which isn’t unusual – and my fiancé – my fiancé –
Wait my dear
-my fiancée, that was, that is – he thinks we’d better call it a day, and I quite agree. – Dexter – Dexter – what the Hell next?
Two years ago you were invited to a wedding in this house and I did you out of it by eloping to Maryland -
Two years ago that you were invited to a wedding in the house and I did you out of it by a looping to Maryland – Dexter, Dexter, where are you?
Which was Very bad manners
Which was Very bad manners
But I hope to make it up to you by going through with it now as originally planned
But I hope to make it up to you by – by going – by going beautifully through with it now – as originally and most beautifully planned. Because there’s something awfully nice about a wedding – I don’t know – they’re gay and attractive – and I’ve always wanted one –
So if you’ll just keep your seats a minute
So if you’ll just keep your seats a minute
That’s all
That’s all… Dexter -are you sure?
Not in the least but I’ll risk it – will you?
You bet!- and you didn’t do it just to soften the blow?
No, Tray
Nor to save my face?
It’s a nice little face
Oh- I’ll be yare now- I’ll promise to be yare!
Be whatever you like, you’re my Redhead- all set?
All set!- oh, how sis this ever happen?
I love you Father
And I love you, Daughter
Never in my life have I been so full of love before -
See you soon Red!
See you soon, Dext! How do I look?
Like a queen- like a goddess
Do you know how I feel?
Like a human- like a human being
Is that all right?
All right? Oh father! It’s heaven