Act II. Scene 1 Flashcards
Me? It’s your idea, not mine
What difference does that make?
The question is can we get away with it?
You’ve got to get away with! You must Sandy!
You get the ideas and I do all the work
What you don’t already know about the great Sidney Kidd, you can certainly fill in from Mike’s ravings tonight
I used to have that Dime lingo down pretty pat
It’s a chance to write a beauty you know it is
Then I swap it with Kidd for Connor’s piece on us- and where am I?
You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you saved the lot of us single handed
And what if he won’t swap?
I’m not worried about that
I suppose there’s a fair chance the post will go for it
Of course! You can’t possibly lose. Quick- they’ll be here! How long will it take you?
Holy cats! You get to bed.
Have you got a typewriter?
My old Corona upstairs
Make it smoke
You bet
Suds. I can’t stand it. You won’t fall asleep?
I’ve drunk nothing but black coffee since Connor began his lecture
“Sidney Kidd- his habits- his habitat and how to hunt him”
It must have been bottled up in him for years.
Waiter, another bottle.
No- I’ve got enough for three
-Also rear elevation- mike and Liz- they mustn’t suspect Sandy
Oh no- oh my no
They have simply stepped in their own chewing gum.- I suppose Kidd has one of those private numbers the rich and mighty his behind in New York
I’ll dig it out of Liz and give him a buzz
What will you say?
I’ll be brief, blunt, belligerent. Hey- lay off that!
You are already in wine sister
Me? You lie. I never affects me, not in the slightest
That’s because you never take it
Even if I did, it wouldn’t
I have seen people fly in the face of Pommery before
I’ve just got a good head I guess
Don’t say it, don’t say it!
Sandy, you fool-
George will spank.
I could spank George for the way he behaved
You and Connor were gone for two hours, at least
You were along
All the same, tongues were wagging like tails. George said-
George wanted to leave sharp at twelve- how could we?
They need a lot of sleep, those big fellows
They must- then at one, with Father and Mother and Dinah- Then at two, then at three- every hour on the hour. We fought like wolves on the way home
I hope you explained
Certainly not. He should have known. He was extremely rude. You’d have thought I’d been out with Dexter.- I wonder where Dext was? I half expected him to- I don’t like the look behind Dexter’s eyes, Sandy. It makes me sad.
Don’t be sad, Tracy
Oh, Sandy, if you knew how I envy you and Sue that darling fat creature you’ve just produced-
You’ll probably have four or five of your own any day now
Six! Oh, I hope- I do hope- I hope I’m good for something besides knocking out golf balls and putting horses over fences
You’re good for my money any day
Thanks! Was I really mean to George, I wonder? I don’t want to be.
You’re in an odd mood, little fellah. What’s amiss- what’s afoot?
I guess it’s just that- a lot of things I always thought were terribly important I find now- and the other way around- and- oh, what the hell.
I don’t think I’d spend much more time with Connor tonight, if I were you.
Why not?
Writers with wine sauce intoxicate little girls
They sort of do, don’t they?- he fascinates me. He’s so violent, Sandy.
He’s fallen Tray. I could hear him bump.
Mind your own beeswax, old Nosey Parker
Get thee to bed
- before you have to be carried.
No! No! No! I feel too delicious, Sandy. I feel just elegant. Is that my bedroom telephone?
Now you’re hearing things
It couldn’t be anyone but George. I was sort of swinish to him. Perhaps I’d better-As for you- get to work, you dog? Stop leaning on your shovel.
Miss not an inflection
Is it Connor the poet, or Connor the conspirator?
Champagne, entwining arms
That’s pretty is it poetry?
Sample from his own pen: ‘Pittsburgh is a gentle city’”.
Sidney is a gentle man
Nimble scrivener, it’s an idea
Brilliant I wish I’d thought of it
Baby Giant Tycooness
But would it not be a low and dirty deed?
What is this mist before my eyes?
I tell you what: let’s all have a quick swim to brighten us up. Go get Liz, Sandy.
Not me it’s too cold this early
It’s the best hour of the day! Dexter and I always swam after parties.
I haven’t got any bathing suit
But we won’t need any. It’s just ourselves!
Let’s dip into this instead
No takers? Go get Liz anyway Sandy
If she’s not in bed- or even if she is
That was an odd thing you just did
You. For a moment you made me- self conscience
How? About what?
Never mind. Hello, you
You look fine
I feel fine
Quite a fellah
They say
Did you enjoy the party?
The prettiest sight in this fine, pretty world is the Priviledged Class enjoying its priviledges.
Also somewhat of a snob
How do you mean?
I’m wondering.
Consider gentle reader they toil not neither do they spin
Oh yes they do! They spin in circles
- Tracy you can’t marry that guy
George? - I’m going to. Why not?
I don’t know, I’d have thought I’d be up for it, but somehow you just don’t seem to match up
Then the fault’s with me
Maybe so, all the same you can’t do it
No? Come around noon tomorrow- I mean today
Yes, Mr. Connor?
How do you mean I’m a snob?
You’re the worst kind there is: an intellectual sob. You’ve made up you mind awfully early it seems to me.
- and I’m nothing of the sort, not Mr. Connor
The time to make up your mind about people is never. Yes you are, and a complete one
You’re quite a girl
You think?
I know.
Thank you, Professor. I don’t think I’m exceptional
You are though
I know any number like me. You out to get around more
In the upper clahss? No, thanks
You’re just a mass of prejudices aren’t you? You’re so much thought and so little feeling professor.
Oh I am am I?
Yes, you am, are you! Your damned intolerance furiates me. I mean infuriates me. I should think that of all people a writer would need tolerance. The fact is- you’ll never- you can’t be a first rate writer or a first rate human being until you learn to have some small regard for - aren’t the geraniums pretty professor? Is it not a handsome day that begins?
Lay off that professor
Yes professor
You’ve got all the arrogance of your class alright haven’t you?
Holy suds, what have classes got to do with it?
Quite a lot
Why? What do they matter- except for the people in them? George comes from the so- called lowered class, Dexter comes from the upper. Well?
- though there’s a great deal to be said about Dexter- and don’t you forget it!
I’ll try not to
Mac, the night- watchman, is a prince amount men and Joey, the stable boy is a rat. Uncle Hugh is a saint. Uncle Willie’s a pincher.
So what?
There aren’t any rules about human beings, that’s all!- you’re teaching me thing, Professor; this is new to me. Thanks, I am beholden to you.
Not at all
“Upper” and “lower” my eye! I’ll take the lower thanks.
- if you can’t get a drawing room
What do you mean by that?
Mt mistake
You’re insulting
I’m sorry
Oh don’t apologize
Who the hells apologizing?
I never knew such a man
You wouldn’t be likely to dear- not from where you sit
Talk about arrogance!
Tracy- (2nd one)
What do you want?
You’re wonderful
Professor- may I got out?
Miss Lord will please wait
Miss Lord is priviledged.
I’m telling you
I’m-! Now I’m getting self conscience again. I- it’s funny- Mike let’s-
I-I don’t know- go up, I guess. It’s late.
There are fires banked down in you, hearth fires
You- I don’t seem to you- made of bronze then-
You’ve got tears in your eyes
Shut up, shut up! - oh mike - keep talking-keep talking ! Talk will you?
I’ve stopped
Why? Has your mind taken ahold again dear Professor?
You think so?
Yes, professor
A good thing don’t you agree?
No, professor
Drop that Professor- you hear me?
Yes professor (coy)
That’s really all I am to you is it?
Of course Professor
Are you sure?
Why, why, yes- yes of course Profess- golly. Golly Moses.
Tracy dear-
Mr. Connor- Mr. Connor-
Let me tell you something-
No don’t- all of a sudden I’ve got the shakes
I have too
What is it?
It must be something like love
No, no! It mustn’t be. It can’t-
Why? Would it be inconvenient?
Terribly. Anyway, it isn’t. I know it’s not. Oh Mike, I’m a bad girl-
Not you
We’re out of our mind
-‘right into our hearts.
That ought to have music.
It has, hasn’t it?- Tracy, you lovely-
They’re coming
The hell-
It’s-it’s not far to the pool. It’s only over the lawn, in the birch-grove- it’ll be lovely now.
Come on-
Oh- it’s as - it’s as if my insteps- we’re melting away- what is it? Have I- have I got feet of clay, or something?
-quick! Here they are-
I- I feel so small all at once
You’re immense- you’re tremendous
Not me- oh, not me! Put me in your pocket , Mike-