Act I. Scene 4. Flashcards
Thanks, I’ve shaken quite a lot of coal dust from my feet in the last day or two
Isn’t eh beautiful? Isn’t it wonderful what a little soap and water will do?
I want to go home
Miss Imbrie- Mr. Connor- Mr. Kittridge, my beau- friends of Sandy’s, George.
That’s nothing to what’s yet to be done with Labor relations
You ought to see him with the men- they simply adore him
Oh- come on Tracy!
Oh, but they do! Never in my life will I forget that first night I saw you, all those wonderful faces, and the torch lights, and the way his voice boomed-
You see, I’m really a spell binder.- that’s the way I got her.
Except it was me who got you! -I’m going to out these two at the bridal table, in place of the Grants.
That’s a good idea.
George, it won’t rain will it?- promise me it won’t rain.
Tracy, I’ll see to that personally
I almost believe you could.
Your guess is correct, Mr. Connor.
I’m just his faithful Old Dog Tray.
Give me your paw?
You’ve got it.
Look at the way she wears her hair, Tracy. Isn’t it pretty?
Mighty fine
It’s a pretty kettle of fish when a man has to wait two mortal hours-
Papá- Dear Papá-
What’s that?
Didn’t the car meet you?
The car?
You angel- to drop everything and get here in time for lunch- isn’t he mamá?
I’m not one to jump to conclusions, but-
These are our friends, Mr. Connor and Miss Imbrie, Father- they’re here for the wedding
Dinah- Kittridge- Margaret, my sweet
Mother don’t you think you ought to explain the new arrangement to Father before lunch?
Awful sweet and thoughtful of you to ask me to lunch, Tray
Not at all.- extra place Thomas
Yes, Miss Tracy
Miss Imbrie- Mr. Connor- my former husband, whose name for the moment escapes.
Sometimes, for your own sake, I think you should have stuck to me longer, Red.
I thought it was for life but the nice judge gave me a full pardon.
And what have you?
Do you mind if I go I’m with Mr. Connor, Miss Imbrie?
Sandy’s your boy
- Because I think he’s such an interesting man
You’re a very bright fellow, Haven, I’ll hire you
That’s very interesting- but consistently interesting. We must talk more.
I don’t know how welcome I am, but after Sandy’s note, I thought the least I could do was to-
Please go on in everyone, I want a word with Uncle Willie
Well, daughter?
Still Justice, with her shining sword- eh? Who’s in the spot?
We are; thank to you- Uncle Willie