Act I? Scene 6 Flashcards
Orange juice? Certainly!
You’re sure you don’t want something stronger? I’ll ring if you like
Hello, fancy seeing you here
Not now, thanks. This is fine.
Don’t tell me you’ve forsaken your beloved whiskey-and-whiskies-
I expect that at one time I secretly wanted to be a writer
Dexter, would you mind doing something for me?
Anything, what?
Get the hell out of here.
You need me too much
Would you mind telling me just what it is you’re hanging around for? No- please don’t go! I’d honestly much prefer it if you wouldn’t.
As a writer this ought to be right up your street
Don’t miss a word!
Honestly, you never looked better in your life; your getting a fine tawny look-
Oh, we’re going to talk about me, are we? Goody.
- she was a dumpy little thing originally
- Only as it happens, I’m not interested in myself, for the moment. What interests me now, is what, if any, your real point is, in-
You’re far and away you’re favorite person in the world
Dexter in case you don’t know it I -
Shall I go on?
Oh, yes, please do, by all means-
Of course she is kindness itself Mr. Connor
Itself Mr.Connor
For instance, she never had the slightest sympathy toward nor understanding of what used to be known as my dark and gorgeous thirst
That was your problem!
You were no helpmate there- Tracy- you were a scold
It was disgusting. It made you so unattractive
Oh-never mind
Say it-
- but that a kind of priest to a virgin goddess, then my drinks grew more frequent and deeper in hue, that’s all
I never considered you as that nor myself!
And the night you got drunk on champagne , and climbed out on the roof and stood naked, with your arms out to the moon, wailing like a banshee-
I told you I never had the slightest recollection of doing any such thing.
You wanted to- Mr. Connor what would you say in the case of-
He’s a reporter incidentally. He’s doing us for Destiny
A pity we can’t supply photographs of you on the roof
Honestly the fuss you made over that silly, childish-
The moon is also a goddess, chaste and virginal
Stop using those foul words! We were married nearly a year weren’t we?
It’s an affair of the spirit- not of the flesh
Dexter, what are you trying to make me out as?
Tracy, what do you fancy yourself as?
I don’t know that I fancy myself as anything
How in the world can you even think of it?
I love him that’s why! As I never began to love you
He’s just a tower
You’ve known him how long?- half a day.
I knew him for two days two years ago, the time I went up to the fields with your father, but half a day would’ve done, I think
It’s just personal then-
Purely and completely
You couldn’t possibly understand him or his qualities. I shouldn’t expect you to
I suppose when you come right don to it, Tracy, it just offends my vanity to have anyone who was ever remotely my wife, remarry so obviously beneath her
“Beneath” me! How dare you- any of you- in this day and age use such a -?
You could marry !ac, the night watch man, and I’d cheer for you
And what’s wrong with George?
He’s a wizard at his job, and I’m sure he is honest, sober, and industrious. He’s just not for you
He is for me- he’s a great man, and a good man; already he’s of national importance.
He’ll give you no out as I did.
I won’t require one.
There’s something engaging about it, this virgin goddess business, something more challenging to the male than he more obvious charms
This citadel will and shall be taken- and I’m just the boy to do it
You seem quite contemptuous of me all the sudden
Your so- called strength- your prejudice against weakness- your blank intolerance-
Is that all?
You’re a special class of American female now- the Merry Maidens- and a type of Philadelphiaensis, you’re the absolute tops, my dear
Damn your should, Dext, if you say another-!
You see- it’s no use even attempting to be friendly
Certainly not. You were a dear to try. Please don’t mind him.
You got taken when you bought that roan. She’s parrot-jawed
Get into a tub. You’re revolting.
What’s more she swallows wind by the bucket
Where’s Miss Imbrie? Wasn’t she with you?
She’s gone to the privy ugh Uncle Willie
It’s anyone’s guess what this might be. It’s, why- it’s a photograph of the True Love
- the?- what’s that?
A boat he designed- and built practically. We sailed her up the coast of Maine and back, the summer we were marrid. My, she was yare.
Yare? What does that mean?
It means- oh, what does it mean?- easy to handle- quick to the helm- fast- bright- everything a boat should be.- And the hell with it
Rather bad taste, I’d say giving you that
Dexter never concerns herself much with taste
How’d you ever happen to marry a fellow like that?
Oh, I don’t know- I expect it was a kind of a hangover from childhood days. We grew up together, you know.
I see- prop iniquity
Oh, George- to get away- to get away-! Somehow to feel useful in the world-
I’m going to build you an ivory tower with my own two hands
Like fun you are
You mean you’ve been in one too long?
I mean that p, and a lot of things
I’m going to make a grand life, dear- and you can help, all right
Oh I hope I can
From now on we’ll both stop wasting time on unimportant people.
That’s all right with me
I’d like people to consider it an honor to be asked there
Why an honor especially?
And then perhaps young Me. Haven May be somewhat condescending
George- you don’t really mind him do you? I mean the fact of him
The-? I don’t see what you mean Tray
I mean that- you know that he was- was my lord and master- that we ever were-
That’s the wonderful thing about you Tray
What? How-
It’s- it’s a kind of beautiful purity , Tracy, that’s the only word for it
It’s what I first worshipped you for, Tracy, from afar
George, listen-
Only from a little nearer now- eh darling?
I don’t want to be worshipped! I want to be loved!
You’re that too. You’re that all right.
I mean really loved
But that goes without saying Tracy
And now it’s you- who doesn’t see what I mean. You can just leave them Edward.
Shall I out this picture with the other presents, Miss Tracy?
No- just leave it there please
Don’t let miss Imbrie get ahold of it
I should say not
I hope they’ll soft pedal the marriage angle
I wish they’d pedal themselves right out if here
They’ve got a job to do, and it’s an honor, you know, Tracy
What is?
Why- to be done by Destiny
Are you joking?
But you can’t seriously mean that you think-!
Does he by chance ever walk anywhere?
When he likes I expect
Seth, you idiot
That’s very amusing I’m sure
What bothers me at the moment is the spectacle we’re making ourselves for the benefit of the young man and woman from Destiny
Whose fault is it?
It’s worse; it’s stupid and undignified
So are other things
They can publish hat they like about me,but-
- My idea is they’ll publish nothing about any of us
How do you propose to stop them
I don’t quite know yet
Well, at present the least we could do us to inform Connor and the camera lady that we are all quite aware do the purpose here. I insist on that
All right. I’ll tell them myself
I think it will come better from me, don’t you- as, at least, titular head of the family?
Of course- inasmuch as you let us in for it in the first place
It’s most unAttractive
Oh? How does Miss Mara talk? Or does she purr?
It’s all right Margaret
Sweet and low, I suppose. Dulcet. Very ladylike.- you’ve got a fine right, you have- after the way you’ve treated mother- after the way you’ve treated us all- a magnificent right you’ve got to come back here in your best country manner and strike attitudes and makes stands and criticize my fiancé and give orders and mess things up generally, just as if you’d done-
Stop it instantly Tracy!
I can’t help it. It’s sickening.- as if he’d done nothing at all!
What most wives don’t realize is that their husband’s philandering- particularly the middle aged kind- has nothing whatever to do with them
Oh? Then what does it have to do with?
- the right kind of daughter
- that’s interesting to say the least
One for whom he can do no wrong-
How sweet
I think a devoted young daughter gives a man the illusion that you is still his
Very important, I suppose
- but with a girl of his own full of warmth for him, foolish, unquestioning, uncritical affection
-none of which I’ve got
In fact-
I never! I loved them!
Without it you might just as we’ll be made of bronze
That’s an awful thing to say to anyone
Indeed it is
So I’m to blame for Tina Mara am I?
If any blame attaches, to some extent I expect you are
You coward.
I’m afraid nothing is
Wha-what did you say I was?
I understand a lot more than I did, as well.
“A prig and a-“. You mean- you mean you think I think I’m some sort of virgin goddess or something?
Also, you’ve been talking like a jealous woman
A-? What’s the matter with everyone all at once, anyhow?
No, it’s me that does
You look adorable Dinah
Champagne, instead?
No thanks
The girls demented
-but prigs don’t
What’s that?
Nor spinsters
We don’t get you
Nor goddesses, virgin, or otherwise
Aren’t you coming?
I’ll follow along with George
What’s the matter with you Tracy
You tell me will you?
Damn if I know, I’d like to
Well if you happen to find out
- I’ll tell you sure
-and remember, Mike- “With the rich and mighty”-
“Always a little Patience- yes, highness. I will.
Do that. Please do