Act 3 Scene 1 Flashcards
overview of act III scene i
banquo suspects macbeth but hopes the witches’ prophecy about his descendants will come true. macbeth, now king, fears banquo and arranges for him and fleance to be murdered.
what does the scene open with?
banquo’s soliloquy
finish the quote: ‘play’dst…
..most foully’
what do banquo’s inner thoughts reveal?
- that he is suspicious of the crown, who he thinks ‘play’dst most foully’ for the crown
- he is still thinking about the witches’ prediction that his descendants will be kings
- he is ambitious, but unlike macbeth, he is willing to let fate take its course
what does banquo suspect about macbeth?
- that he played foully to gain the throne.
- he remembers the witches’ prophecy and wonders if it was fulfilled unnaturally.
what does macbeth’s soliloquy show?
- that his attitude to murder has changed
- in act 1 - tormented by killing duncan and almost couldn’t do it - but he is decisive about killing banquo - murder has become easy
how does macbeth plan to kill banquo?
- by hiring murderers
- shows how much his character has changed
- in act I scene i - he was a fearless hero but now he cannot meet his enemy face to face and has become a coward
- macbeth thinks he can change fate and prevent banquo’s descendants from becoming kings by killing banquo and fleance
macbeth’s character development
- becoming more like lady macbeth
- he persuades the murderers to do what he wants - questions their masculinity and tells lies to convince them banquo is their enemy
finish the quote: ‘thou hast it now: king, cawdor, glamis, all…’
…as the weird women promised, and I fear thou played’st most foully for’t.
why is macbeth afraid of banquo?
- banquo is noble, wise, and fearless.
- the witches prophesied that banquo’s descendants would be kings, not macbeth’s.
- macbeth feels his reign is meaningless if his children won’t inherit the throne.
finish the quote: ‘most indissoluble..
..tie for ever knit’
finish the quote: ‘Ride you…
…this afternoon?’
finish the quote: ‘Is’t…
..far you ride?’
finish the quote: ‘Goes Fleance…
..with you?’
finish the quote: ‘to be thus is nothing…’
…but to be safely thus.
what does macbeth mean by ‘to be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus’?
- being king is worthless if he is not secure.
- macbeth feels threatened by banquo and fleance.
- reveals macbeth’s growing paranoia.
finish the quote: ‘upon my head…
..they placed a fruitless crown’
finish the quote: ‘and put..
…a barren sceptre in my gripe’
‘fruitless crown’
‘barren sceptre in my gripe’
- a crown i wouldn’t be able to pass on
- parallel phrase - ‘crown’ and ‘sceptre’ were the two main symbols of kingship
finish the quote: ‘the seed..
..of Banquo kings!’
how does macbeth manipulate the murderers?
- convinces them that banquo is their enemy.
- says banquo has oppressed them and kept them poor.
- questions their masculinity, just as lady macbeth did to him.
finish the quote: ‘ay, in the catalogue ye go for men…’
…as hounds and greyhounds, mongrels, spaniels, curs.
what is the significance of macbeth comparing the murderers to dogs?
- he implies that some men are stronger and more valuable than others.
- manipulates them into proving their worth by killing banquo.
- mirrors how lady macbeth questioned his masculinity earlier.
finish the quote: ‘Know…
..Banquo was your enemy’
finish the quote: ‘it is concluded. banquo, thy soul’s flight…’
…if it find heaven, must find it out tonight.
what does macbeth mean when he says ‘banquo, thy soul’s flight, if it find heaven, must find it out tonight’?
- he has fully committed to murder.
- no hesitation like with duncan; he is now ruthless.
- signals his moral decline.
how has macbeth changed since duncan’s murder?
- he now plans murder without lady macbeth.
- acts more decisively and cruelly.
- paranoia and ambition completely control him.
why is act III scene i significant?
- shows macbeth’s growing fear and paranoia.
- confirms that he is willing to kill again to secure his power.
- marks his transition from hesitant murderer to ruthless tyrant.