Act 1 Scene 2 Flashcards
overview of act I scene ii
king duncan hears good news of the battle: banquo and macbeth have fought valiantly against his enemies, and the king rewards macbeth with a new title
finish the quote: ‘brave..
‘brave Macbeth’
- our first impression of him
finish the quote: ‘smok’d with..
…bloody execution’
‘smok’d with bloody execution’
- he is a skilful murderer
- ‘bloody’ - violent mood
finish the quote: ‘like Valour’s…
finish the quote: ‘unseam’d him..
..from the nave to th’ chaps’
‘unseam’d him from the nave to th’chaps’
- merciless and ruthless killer
- at the start of the play, macbeth is celebrated for his bloodthirsty nature- he cut the traitor macdonald from the nave to the chaps
- its ironic - this violence eventually leads him to his downfall
finish the quote: ‘fix’d his head…
…upon our battlements’
‘fix’d his head upon our battlements’
- play is cyclical
- trophy and a warning
finish the quote: ‘o valiant…
…cousin, worthy gentleman’
‘o valiant cousin, worthy gentleman’
- at the beginning, macbeth is universally loved
- duncan’s reaction is not of horror, but of admiration
- world of masculinity, violence and honour
- to be considered a good man, you would have to prove yourself in battle
- duncan is appreciative and respectful - he calls him cousin
- witches have just told the audience that ‘fair is foul’
- this suggests that ‘worthy’ macbeth may not be as good as the other characters believe
- audience hasn’t seen macbeth yet - their view on him is based on what others say
what is our first impression of macbeth?
he is a great warrior, a heroic character who is fierce and valiant on the battlefield
finish the quote: ‘as sparrows, eagles…
…or hare, the lion’
‘as sparrows eagles, or hare the lion’
- macbeth at the top of the food chain
- didn’t ever feel threatened or afraid
- sarcastic - macbeth is more of a predator than prey
- macbeth has far more value than soldiers -> stands above the rest
finish the quote: ‘as cannons over-charg’d..
..with double cracks’
‘as cannons over-charg’d with double cracks’
- macbeth has far more value than soldiers
- stands above the rest
- gives audience a sense of macbeth’s explosive, violent behaviour
- he himself is a powerful weapon capable of killing
- alliterative strong ‘c’ - mimics dynamic movement of macbeth through the battlefield
finish the quote: ‘the thane..
..of cawdor’
‘the thane of cawdor’
- going to be hung
- title given to macbeth
- he recieves the name of a traitor
finish the quote: ‘what he hath lost…
…noble macbeth hath won’
‘what he hath lost, noble macbeth hath won’
- stripped of his title
- bestowed on macbeth as a result of his bravery and loyalty
- interesting paradox
how does this scene begin and end?
- with duncan
- structural decision
- presents duncan as authoritative and in charge
- he is the only one who asks questions
symbol of blood
- blood symbolises death
- foreshadows macbeth’s eventual demise
- symbol of lineage/bloodline