Act 1 Scene 1 Flashcards
opening scene
- immediate impression of mystery, horror and uncertainty - we arrive at the end of their meeting
- macbeth is introduced by name
what tetrameter do the witches speak in
- trochaic tetrameter form - stressed syllable followed by unstressed syllable - make it sound hypnotic and chant-like
- witches also speak in rhyming couplets - only the supernatural characters in the play constantly use rhyme - it sets them apart from other characters and makes their speech sound unnatural - like they are casting an evil spell
finish the quote: ‘when the hurly-burly’s done…
…when the battle’s lost, and won’
‘when the battle’s lost, and won’
first of many contradictions in the play
finish the quote: ‘there to meet with..
‘there to meet with macbeth’
audience presume macbeth is evil by association - they hear about him in third person which is structurally unusual - the protagonist usually appears first
finish the quote: ‘fair is..
..foul and foul is fair’
finish the quote: ‘hover through the fog..
..and filthy air’
‘fair is foul and foul is fair’
- paradox
- things aren’t as they seem to be
- looks can be deceptive
- palindromic - riddle-like
- from the beginning, the audience see what is right can be wrong and vice-versa
- boundaries between good and evil are blurred
- repetition of ‘foul’ and ‘fair’ - ‘foul’ is more dominant and intimidating, ‘fair’ is caring and pleasant - evil overpowers goodness
finish the quote: ‘when shall we three…
…meet again? in thunder, lightning or in rain?’
‘when shall we three meet again? in thunder, lightning or in rain?’
the first witch sets the supernatural and eerie tone of the play