Act 3 Flashcards
Relates to Bianca being assertiveness and developing “shrewish” tendencies (Bianca addressing Hortensio and Lucentio): W__ G__________ Y__ D_ D_____ W____, To S_____ f__ T___ W____ R_____ I_ M_ C_____
Why gentleman, you do me double wrong, to strive for that which resteth in my choice
Comic rivalry between Hortensio and Lucentio and relates to Hortensio being very verbose, so being “El Dottore”: H__ F____ A__ F______ O__ P_____ I_! Now, F__ M_ L___, T__ K____ D___ C____ O___ L___
How fiery and forward our pedant is! Now, for my life, the knave doth court our love
Comic rivalry, Lucentio’s repetition of what Hortensio, showing that Bianca has power over them as all of these men are similar in nature of being infatuated with her: O__ F___ M_______ G_____ A______
Our fine musician groweth amorous
Dramatic, shows Hortense as a buffoon, and shows him as the doctor: S____ P___ or I D__
Show pity or I die
Showing Petruchio as being a tyrant over Kate, show’s when the perspective of Kate changes from being as derogatory, also is another example of comparing women to birds, suggesting they have to be caged : T__! S___’s a D___ a F___ to H__
Tut! she’s a lamb, a dove, a fool to him
Shows the idea of men owning women and husbands having complete control over their wives (Petruchio): I W__ B_ M_____ O_ W___ I_ M____ O__, S__ I_ M_ G____ M_ C_______, S__ I_ M_ H____
I will be master of what is mine own, She is my goods, my chattels, she is my house
Shows Kate being assertive and suggest that Kate doesn’t actually capitulate in the final speech: I S__ A W____ M__ B_ M___ A F___ I_ S__ H___ N__ T__ S_____ T_ R_____
“I see a woman may be made a fool if she have not the spirit to resist”