Act 1, Scene 2 Flashcards
Where is this scene set ?
Council chamber in castle
Hamlet dressed in black mourning death of dad
Why is setting signicant ?
Joy triumph at wedding
Yet sorrow due to death of king
First incest crime introduced
“Sometime sister, now our queen”
Crime against state
‘Thinking by our late dear brothers death our state to be disjoint and out of frame’
Hamlets first speech
“A little more than Kin, and less than kind”
Foreshadowing consequences of crime
Claudius - death is natural/ life
“Your farther lost a father, that father lost his”
Murder is unnatural however
Claudius - mocks hamlets mourning he says it’s unnatural
“Tis unmanly grief: it shows a will most incorrect heaven”
“Tis a fault to heaven, a fault against the dead, a fault to nature”
Hamlets soliloquy
“How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world!”
“Things tank and gross in nature”
Animalistic imagery
Mocking Gertrude for how she hasn’t mourned the death of her husband
“A beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourned longer”
Moral/ religious crime
Sexual nature of sin
“O most wicked speed, to post with such dexterity to investors sheets!”
Horatio telling hamlet about ghost .
“A figure like your father”
How is Hamlet a detective here ?
Asks lots of questions about ghost to Horatio
“Pale or red?”
“Fixed his eyes upon you?”
“Stayed it long?”
First mention of crime.
“All is not well; I doubt some foul play”
“Foul deeds will rise”
Claudius speech about marriage / death
Criticise hamlets ongoing grief
Hamlets is upset about father’s death and mother’s over hasty marriages
Hamlet is informed about ghost, hamlet agrees to keep watch.
Contrast between first 2 scenes
1st scene = dark / foreboding
This scene is brightly lit and carefree / flourish.
Signicance of flourish.
Inappropriate as hamlet has just died.
Court pretending everything is normal
Claudiuss character
Uncomfortable impression
“Defeated joy” “mirth in funeral”
Hamlets isolation
Wears clothes of “nighted colour”
Nobody appears hostile bar him
He is only one not pretending everything is okay
Introduction to crimes
Incest - moral / religious crime.
Crime has corrupted nature “unweeded” garden
Hamlet says “foul deeds will rise”
Crime will always be uncovered