2,2 Flashcards
What happens
Claudius gets R and G to spy on hamlet
Fortinbras invading Poland - signicsnt kaher
P and C spy on hamlet and opthelia
All takes place in same location creates sense of claustrophobia “Denmark’s a prison”
Deception is widespread
Claudius gets everyone on board and spies on hamlets
Polonois uses pen daughter
Hamlets madness
there’s humour in it
Complicated jokes
Dark humour
Indicate he’s not acc mad
Quote that indicates he’s not mad
I am but mad north north west
He can choose to be mad or sane
Detects ambition in hamlet
Wignicsnct of actors
They have motivated hamlets revenge
Hamlets beats himself up
He asks “am I a coward?”
He hasn’t revenged yet he’s wants to gather proof
“Promoted to my revenge by heaven and hell” revenge is problematic
How does fortinbras contrast to hamlet
He pursues war in Poland and kills innocent men over tiny patch of land
King and queen state how much hamlets changed
Evidence of his madness
“Have you heard of hamlets transformation”
“My too much changed son “
R & G friends of hamlet
“Being of so young days bought up with him”
Yet hamlets gets them executed later for no real reason - hamlet callous / villain
Polonois thinks he’s found cause of hamlets lunacy
I have found the very cause of hamlets lunacy
Queen realises her crime
Feels bad
Aware of unjust behaviour
“His father’s death and our over hasty marriage”
Polonois as victim / humour / sympathy when he dies
“Brevity is the soul of wit”
Hamlet as villain
Sexual letters to opthelia - inappropriate
Polonois good intentions
“I behind an arras”
Polonois detects method in hamlets madness
“Though this be madness, yet there is method in it”
Hamlet suicicecal
“You cannot sir take from me anything that I will more willingly part withall expect my life
Denmakrk corrupted
Denmark’s a prion
Hamlet beats himself up about not acting
“What a rogue and peasant slave am I!
“Am I a coward?”
Needs more proof about play
“Play something like the murder of my father before mine uncle. I’ll observe his looks