1,5 Flashcards
What happens
Ghost tells hamlet to avenge his death
Hamlet agrees to take revenge
He hatches plan to be mad
2 themes here
Actual crime
Hamlets revenge
He says he’s gonna take instant revenge
“May sweep to my revenge”
Intent but doesn’t occur as he looks for proof - detective not revenged
What does the ghost want
Claudius sins must be punished to restore justice
Retributive justice - motivates a lot of characters
Hamlets says the ghosts order is a “commandment” so he will take quick revenge
Ghosts calls Claudius statan “ a serpent which stung me”
Ghost and madness
Ghosts appearance causes hamlet to threaten his sanity
He can’t fully trust ghosts mortal truths
Also needs to fake madness which critics state that it takes him to real madness
Claudius as villain
revelation of crime
Claudius needs to be punished
“Incestous , adulterate beast”
He sent king hamlet to purgatory with “imperfections on my head”
Quote 1
So art thou to revenge?
Quote 2
Ghost still suffering
Victim even in death
“Confined to fast In fires till the foul crimes done in my days of nature are burnt and purged away”
Quote 3
Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder
Justice revenge
Quote 4
Hamlets seems intent on revenge / eager but not the case
“Sweep to my revenge”
Quote 5
Revelation of crime - links to play in 3, 3
“Sleeping in my orchard a serpent stung me … the serpent that did sting thy farthers life now wears the crow”
Quote 6
That’s incestous that adulterate Beast
Shameful lust
How is Claudius crime exacerbated
The fact it was premeditated
“Cut off even in the blossoms of my sin … with all my imperfections on my head”
Religious crime too
King went to purgatory as didn’t pray
Quote 8
“Let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest”
Crime against staye
Quote 9
Claudius deceptive
“Smile, and be a villain”
Quote 10
Hamlet trusts ghosts “honest ghost”
But he doesn’t take instant revenge
Quote 11
“Antic disposition”