Act 1 Scene 1: Deserve Flashcards
Yes, What is it?
Forgive me for imposing on you Mrs. Roberts. But, I know who you are. You’re the wife of Lloyd Roberts. Who wrote this marvelous play for Ms. Crane.
My husband would agree with you. He thinks it’s marvelous too.
I’ve seen you come in or go out with Miss Crane so many times. Finally I asked one of the fans who you were and she told me. Could you do me a favor? A tremendous favor?
Not until I know what it is.
I wonder if I could go inside, to the dressing room, and actually meet Miss Crane? There’s no one waiting here tonight but me.
Absolutely out of the question!
Please! Miss Roberts, please! If I could only meet Margo Crane in person, just to shake her hand. It would be the thrill of my lifetime.
But Margo hates you autographed hounds.
I’m not an autograph hunter, Mrs. Roberts. That’s for morons. I am a real admirer of her art. I’ve seen the play over and over again. I want to tell her, what profound pleasure she’s giving me. What inner Joy!
She is a magnificent artist. Surely any superb actress likes to know that her work is appreciated? Even by a nobody like me.
Well Margo has quite an ego I’ll give you that.
Is it too much to ask? I’ve tried to speak to her when she’s been leaving the theater. But she’s always in such a rush!
Margo’s very shy. She dislikes meeting strangers. It’s much better for you to admire her across the footlights.
Now if you’ll excuse me.
Cry—–Mrs Roberts, I’ve paid to see this play, from a balcony seat, over 50 times. 57 to be exact! Don’t you think that deserves one little minute of Miss Crane’s time?