Act 1-4 End daphne To Break Flashcards
Do you want your coffee here or upstairs?
Anywhere – put it anywhere.
Weeping and wailing I thought I’d better wait.
Put the tray down, Fred, and go away.
Right yo.
Erickson-Fred-Monica action.
Phone rings.
My God, there is no peace — no peace anywhere –
why is that phone ringing in the room?
Monica: I switch the telephone in here because you’ve got to go through the mail and I can’t keep darting in and out of the office all the time.
Will you stop that repulsive humming.
Monica on phone:
….. Very well — not at all — goodbye.
Erikson: Fred said I was to go and speak to the young lady.
Very well, as Erickson.
What shall I say to her?
I really don’t know.
I have been to the grocers and —
That’s as good an opening gambit as any.
Miss Erickson: alas, no, that I cannot do, the tap makes no water.
Do the best you can.
Miss Erickson: I will try.
That’s a good girl.
Monica: there’s nothing much this morning. I’ll go through them quickly.
The coffee taste of curry powder.
Never mind.
I wish I had a French chef instead of a Scandinavian spiritualist.
You could never get rid of Miss Erickson, she worships you.
Everybody worships me, it’s nauseating.
There’s hell to pay if they don’t.
What’s that blue letter?
Sylvia Lori, she says she must see you before you go away.
(Smells letter ) Well, she can’t.
Here’s one from the young man you forced to go to the Slade school; he’s very unhappy.
I didn’t force him, he asked me for my advice and I gave it to him.
Monica: …..
Here, read the rest for yourself.
He’s a damn fool. I knew at the moment I clapped eyes on him.
In that case it would’ve been Why is your not to have let him think that you minded so passionately about his career.
What the hell is the matter with a light in this room? If people don’t want my advice why the hell do they come and badger me?
Here’s a postcard I can’t make heads or tails of.
It’s from Brazil.
I know it says so on the step.
“I’ve done what you said and it’s nearly finished.” I can’t read the signature, it looks like Pickett.
Can you remember anyone called Pickett that you sent to Brazil to finish something?
Terret up, people should write legibly or not at all.
Not at all would be lovely. Is mist Ellington nearly dressed?
Miss Erickson: Yes, but she is crying which makes her slow.
You’d better go upstairs Gary.
Tell Fred.
Miss Erickson: I will tell him Fred! Fred!
(To Monica) You’d better come up to, we can do the rest of the letters up there.
There are only two more. An invitation from Gertrude love it. She’s giving a coming out dance for that pimply looking daughter of hers —
Polite refusal.
And he rather complicated letter from some Boy Scouts.
To hell with them.
Apparently you’re a patron for their dramatic club and they’re giving a performance of laughter and heaven and want you to send them a message.
All right — send them one.
What shall I say?
Monica dear, don’t tell me that you have arrived at the age of 89 and are unable to send a message.
Boy Scouts send them some matches