Acronyms Flashcards
What gets checked at the start of every tour on the apparatus?
Fat sluts love towering penises F-Fuel S-seat belts L-lights (warning and non response) T-Tower ladder intercom P-Purge air tanks
What is the priority order for shutting down the gas service?
All rich men must have extra clean socks A-appliance R-Riser (interior) M-meter (individual) M-Master meter H-head of service E-Exterior riser C-curb valve S-street valve (main valve)
To get a building out of the Cfr response matrix what are the 4 criteria that must be met?
C DOA C-CPR trained staff D-defibulator O-oxygen A-All hours of operation
What is the order of preference if you cannot reach the officer
A-any HT equipped member
For CUPS status what are 4 signs of an unstable patient?
Uncle pete drinks rum
P-poor general impression
D-difficulty breathing
R-responsive but unable to follow commands
*packing efforts must begin immediately while treating life threats
**potentially unstable is inability to move any part of the body
What info can be obtained at a full time token booth?
RESTfull Map R-rooms E-Exits S-stairways T-token booths Map
At a haz-mat erp emergency how do you manage the life hazard?
I-CEDE I-isolate C-Contain E-evacuate D-decon E-emergency medical care
What are the 7 core competencies of the FDNY
FEM SLAM F-fire supression E-Evacuation (structural) M-Mass decon (CBRN/hazmat) S-search and rescue L-Life safety (CBRN/hazmat) A-arson (cause and origin) M-Medical care (prehospital)
What is the hierarchy of structural members
Battalion chiefs give beat downs B-bearing walls C-columns G-girders B-beams D-decks
What are the 5 stages of collapse
RR SS General R-recon R-removal and accounting of surface victims S-Search of voids S-selected debris removal General debris removal
What are the 3 atmospheric hazards in a confined space operation?
What 5 things should be part of your under river rail size up?
LIVES L-location I-incident information V-Ventilation E-evacuation S-safety
In a high Rise office the 2 way communication between the fire command station and where? (6 places)
WAMEE F W-warden station A-air handling control room M-mechanical control center E-elevators E-elevator machinery room F-fire pump room
At a high rise fire the 1st truck gets what info (4) from the fire safety director or surrogate?
SALE S-status of elevators A-access stairs serving fire floor L-location of fire E-Evacuation procedures implemented
At a high rise class E fires who brings extra cylinders with them? (4)
FAGS F-fourth ladder company A-all units assigned to SAE group G-greater alarm engine companies S-Staging (forward) area
How do you start a fire pump?
KC start the Lever K-knife switch closed C-circuit closed Start button Lever adjusted
The lobby control unit will carry what tools in every elevator car?
CHEESES C-clip board H-handie talkie E-elevator key E-elevator control sheet S-search rope E-entry tools S-Spare cylinder