acronym hell Flashcards
Recency of experience - 6HITS
6 instrument approaches
H olding
I ntercepting and tracking courses
T he above can be completed in a FFS ATD or FTD
Aircraft documents required for flight - ARROW
A irworthiness certificate R egistration certificate R adio operator license (International only) O perators handbook (POH) W eight and balance data
Aircraft maintenance inspections required for IFR -
A irworthiness directives
V OR check every 30 days
I nspections
annual inspection - 12 calendar months
100 hour (if for hire)
A ltimiter, automatic altitude reporting every 24 CM
T ransponder every 24 CM
E LT, inspected every 12 CM, battery replacement after 1hr of use
S upplemental type certificate
Pre flight self-assessment - IMSAFE
I llness M edication S tress A lcohol F atigue E motion
Preflight info required for IFR - NWKRAFT
N OTAMS W eather K nown ATC delays R unway lengths A lternatives available F uel requirements T akeoff and landing distances
Risk management and personal minimums - PAVE
P ilot
A ircraft
E xternal pressure
Decision making - DECIDE
D etect E stimate C hoose I dentify D o E valuate
Determine need for an alternate - 123 Rule
A destination alternate is always required, unless:
An instrument approach is published and available for the destination, and
for 1 hour before and after ETA :
Ceiling above 2000’
Visibility above 3SM
IFR departure clearance - CRAFT
C learance limit R oute A ltitude F requency T ransponder
DA / H
D ecision A ltitude
H eight
M aximum
A uthorized
A ltitude
(ex on chart : “MAA-17000”)
M inimum
C rossing
A ltitude
M inimum D ecent A ltitude
H eight
M inimum
E nroute
A ltitude
(Guarantees signal coverage and obstacle clearance)
M inimum O bstruction C learance A ltitude (Obstacle clearance and signal coverage withing 22NM of VOR)
M inimum
R eception
A ltitude
M inimum
T urning
A ltitude
(ex on chart : MCA X icon with description)
M inimum
V ectoring
A ltitude
(May be lower than MEAs or MOCAs)
O ff R oute O bstruction C learance A ltitude
I ndicated
A irSpeed
(read directly from ASI)
C alibrated
A irSpeed
(IAS corrected for instrument and position errors)
E quivilent
A irSpeed
(CAS corrected for compressability error)
T rue
A irSpeed
(EAS corrected for nonstandard atmosphere)
Magnetic compass errors & limitations - DVMONA
D evitation V ariation M agnetic dip O scillation N orth/south turning errors UNOS - undershoot north overshoot south A cceleration errors ANDS - accelerate north decelerate south
A ltimiter T achometer O il pressure M anifold pressure A irspeed T emp guage for liquid cooled O il temp F uel guage L anding gear lights (for retractable gear) A nticollision lights M agnetic compass E LT S aftey belt
VFR night - FLAPS
F uses (spare set) L anding light (if for hire) A nti collision lights P osition lights Source of power
For IFR day + night - GRABCARD
- for IFR night, all VFR day and night equipment + GRABCARD
- for IFR day, all VFR day equipment + GRABCARD
G enerator / alternator R adios (2-way + appropriate nav equipment) A ltimiter B all (slip-skip) C lock A ttitude indicator R ate of turn indicator D irectional gyro
Mandatory reports under IFR - MARVELOUS VFR C500
M issed approach A irspeed ±10 kts or 5% R eaching a holding fix (report time & altitude) V FR on top (with altitude change) E TA change ±2min L eaving a holding fix/point O uter marker inbound (non radar) U n-forcasted weather S afety of flight
V acating an altitude/flight level
F inal approach fix
R adio/nav/approach equipment faliure
Compulsory reporting points
500 : unable to climb/decend >500fpm
Lost comms, altitude to fly - MEA
M inimum altitude prescribed for IFR
E xpected
A ssigned (last assigned by ATC)
Lost comms, route to fly - AVEF
(in this order) A ssigned route, if none: V ectored, if none: E xpected, if none: F iled route
Do not fly a procedure turn when SHARPTT
S traight-in approach clearance H old in lieu of PT dme Arc R adar vectors to final no Pt depicted on chart Timed approach from holding fix Teardrop course reversal
Echo airspaces - SETVODA
S urface E xtension T ransition V ictor airway O ffshore D omestic enroute A bove FL 600
Beacon Landing light Avionics 1 Cabin 12v Flaps Fuel pump
Avionics 1 PANDAFACE
PFD Ahrs Nav 1 DME ADC FIS ADF Cooling fan Engine/airframe unit
Essential bus PACS ANG
Standby lights
Nav 1
Nav lights Avionics 2 Strobes Taxi lights Panel lights Pitot heat
Avionics 2 CANTMAC
Cooling fans Audio panel Nav2 Transponder MFD autopilot com2