Most common skin disorder of adolescence
Effects essentially 100% of the population
Can persist into adult life
Genetics unclear
Severe acne a little more common among males
Disorder of pilosebaceous unit
Highest concentration on the face, chest and back (seborrhic areas)
Sensitive to androgenic stimulation
Acne Vulgaris
Increased androgens just prior to puberty
Sebaceous glands vary in sensitivity to androgens
Androgens cause gland to hypertrophy and produce more sebum
Abnormal keratinization of sebaceous follicle
Keratinocytes clump together and obstruct pore
Contain melanin, not dirt
Sebum builds up behind comedone
Triglycerides hydrolyzed to fatty acids
Causes inflammation
Leads to red papules, nodules and pustules
Bacteria hydrolyze triglycerides, leading to more inflammation
Role of P. acnes
Bacterium also acts as a chemoattractant
Acne, found on the face, chest, back, buttocks
comedones papules nodules pustules scars picking
Most severe form of cystic acne WITH systemic symptoms
abrupt onset
osteolytic bone lesions, esp in the clavicle and sternum
isotretinoin induced but avoided with prednisone
Acne fulminans
Severe, eruptive nodulocystic acne WITHOUT systemic symptoms
Follicular occlusion tetrad:
+ hidradenitis suppurativa, dissecting cellulitis,& pilonidal sinus/cysts
Acne conglobata
Mechanical factors
Rubbing, helmets, chin straps etc.
Fiddler’s neck, young athletes (back, forehead, chin)
Linear, geometrically distributed involvement
Acne mechanica
Young women
Self-mutilation and excoriation
Linear excoriations and crusts should be a clue
Psychiatric treatment
Acne excoriee
Abrupt monomorphous of inflammatory papules
Common offenders:
Anabolic and corticosteroids, iodides, bromides, anticonvulsants
Less common offenders: PUVA, PTU, vitamins B1, B6, B12
Typically resolve with removal of offending agent
Drug-induced acne
Neonatal cephalic pustulosis
Starts at 2 weeks of age, resolves by 3 months
Which organism is now implicated?
Malassezia furfur
Topical ketoconazole, BPO; parental reassurance BID
Neonatal acne
Classify as infantile if in which age groups?
3-6 months
+++ comedones; may scar
Male infants = elevated LH and testosterone
Adrenal gland immaturity and a large zona reticularis lead to increased DHEAS
Usually resolves within 1-2 years
Tx: tretinoin, BPO
May require isotretinoin therapy
Infantile acne
Cutting oils, petroleum products, etc.
occupational acne
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
Malar, retroauricular, mandibular
PCOS…elevated total testosterone
Elevated DHEAS…indicates source in _______?
endocrine abnormalities
adrenal glands
characterized by:
facial redness
bumps and pimples
skin thickening
eye irritation
*Erythemato-telangiectatic (Vascular)
Papulopustular (Inflammatory)
Perioral and periocular dermatitis often present in patients with vascular rosacea, but minimal malar inflamm
Small, pink papules, which often recur
Likely linked to rosacea
Same path, same treatments
Periorificial dermatitis
What medications can help reduce the paradoxical flare upon corticosteroid withdrawal?
Doxycyclines, isotretinoin, and topical tacrolimus
Stimulated by intense emotion/stress during waking hours
Increased neural impulses from cerebral cortex to eccrine glands
At least 6 months
two forms: volar*, axillary
Primary Hyperhidrosis
*most common