Acing the G.I. boards 2 Flashcards
Hyperkeratosis on palms and soles plus dysphasia?
Associated with?
Tylosis (Howell-Evans syndrome)
Leukoplakia, squamous cell esophageal cancer
Constipation + failure to relax internal anal sphincter with balloon dilation?
Hirschsprung’s disease
Pathognomonic for intervascular hemolysis?
Urine hemosiderin
Thick gastric folds + diarrhea + low albumin + edema
Arterial dissection + cirrhosis + liver biopsy with PAS-positive globules
Alpha one antitrypsin deficiency
Difference in gastrin level, gastric pH, and parietal cell mass in corpus versus antral H. pylori?
High gastrin, high gastric pH, decreased parietal cell mass (parietal cells impaired)
High gastrin, low gastric pH, increased parietal cell mass (somatostatin secreting D cells impaired)
Luminal nodule + myeloperoxidase positivity + high LDH?
Most of these patients will develop?
Granulocytic sarcoma (chloroma) - green in color
Young patient + jaundice + abdominal pain + RUQ palpable mass?
Choledochal cyst III
Pre-menopausal woman with cyclic abdominal pain +/- subepithelial GI lesions
G.I. endometriosis
Hepatitis C + low complement + pupuric rash + renal disease + paresthesias
Mixed cryoglobulinemia
Young adult + abdominal pain + low complement + purpuric rash
Henoch-Schönlein Purpura
Hematomas + cobblestone tongue + bumps on face?
Cowden syndrome
AIDS + jaundice + cystic blood-filled space on liver biopsy?
peliosis hepatitis (Bartonella)
Diarrhea after consuming chocolate milk
Diarrhea + tropics + high MCV anemia? Treatment?
Tropical sprue
Tetracycline + folate for 6-12 months
Infectious diseases that consist of PAS positive foamy macrophages? Distinguished by this stain?
Whipples disease and MAC
AFP stain (positive in MAC)
Low serum protein + diarrhea + focal white spots in small bowel?
Intestinal lymphangiectasia
TCAs - Most sedating/constipating to least?
Amitriptyline >nortriptyline> desipramine
Peripheral mu opiate receptor antagonist used for postoperative ileus?
alvimopan (Entereg)
HIV + tenesmus + bloody diarrhea and saddle paresthesias?
If ulcer, biopsy where?
HSV proctitis
HIV + bloody diarrhea + colonic ulcers with “owls eye” inclusion body
Biopsy ulcer where?
CMV colitis
HIV + diarrhea plus eosinophilia + travel to Africa/Haiti
Crystals in stool?
eosinophil granules that contain large amounts of Charcot-Leyden protein
Mediterranean origin + abdominal pain + elevated ESR?
Gene? Treatment? Long-term risk of?
Familial Mediterranean fever
Pyrin; colchicine; amyloidosis 
 CD117 positive + 4th layer subepithelial mass
Actin positive + CD117 negative + fourth layer subepithelial mass?
Spherical + anechoic + subepithelial gastric mass?
Duplication cyst
Gastric mass + 2nd/3rd layer + enterochromaffin cells
Gastric mass + 4th layer + Vimentin positive
Glomus tumor
Gastric mass +4th layer + S-100 positive?
Cavernous hemangioma + G.I. bleeding + history of intussusception
Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome
Oral iron. Usually too many lesions for surgery
Cutaneous hemangioma/Varicose veins + G.I. hemangioma + bone overgrowth + soft tissue hyperplasia
Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber Syndrome (vascular malformation syndrome)
Villous blunting with Howell-Jolly bodies