Accessibility Standards and Laws Flashcards
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
- UN adopted in 1948 after WWII
- First of its kind to establish fundamental human rights
- Foundation of international human rights laws
- Spells out reasons for the document & 30 articles that state fundamental human rights ranging from right to life, liberty, equality, spiritual and political freedoms, to social, cultural, and economic rights
What is the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)?
- Adopted in 2006, opened for signature 2007, entered into force 2008 with optional protocol
- Most important political and democratic expression of will to grant equal human rights to people with disabilities at global level
- Pushes and monitors nat’l legislation, administration and implementation and provision of Accessibility, AT, and universal design
- Key instrument for people with disabilities to fight discrimination and exclusion and promote inclusion, accessibility, and equal opportunities
What is the Marrakesh Treaty?
- Marrakesh Treaty to Facilitate Access to Published Works for Persons who are Blind, Visually Impaired, or Otherwise Print Disabled
- For people with print disabilities
- Aims to end “book famine” faced by people with print disabilities
- Creates copyright exception so ppl with print disability don’t need to seek permission to create accessible formats of copyrighted materials
What is the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights?
- Unifies fundamental personal freedoms and rights of all EU citizens
- Recognizes and respects right of ppl with disabilities, their integration/participation in society, and non-discrimination
- Preceded by other European treaties: (1) European Convention on Human Rights - grants fundamental civil & political rights to everyone + (2) European Social Charter - guarantees fundamental social & economic rights and independence, social integration to people with disabilities
What is the African Charter on Human & People’s Rights?
- Recognizes rights of all people, although it doesn’t specify disability
- African Disability Rights Protocol was adopted in 2018: protects human rights of ppl with disabilities + specific provisions about armed conflicts & forced displacements and broader provisions on harmful practices
- Hasn’t reached 15 ratifications needed to come into force as of 2023
What is the Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities?
- adopted 1999, before CRPD in Guatemala as first regional treaty prohibiting discrimination against people with disabilities
- Reaffirmed that people with disabilities have same rights and freedoms as other people
- Talks about eliminating discrimination, accessiblity for buildings + transportation
What are civil rights laws?
- Based on social disability model and attempt to secure equal rights for people with disabilities by requiring social institutions (gov’ts, corporations, educational institutions, etc.) to reduce/eliminate discriminatory disabling conditions in society
- Focus on equality rather than fostering social welfare provisions
- Recognize that people with disabilities are people with rights, not problems
What is the Equality Act 2010?
- Passed in UK in 2010, purpose was to unify and strengthen anti-discrimination laws in workplace & society
- Prohibits direct & indirect discrimination based on protected characteristics, incl. disability
- Specific provisions relate to accessible transport, accessibility for students with disabilities, sets limits on when employers can ask applications about disability or health
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
- Prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in employment, architectural design, transportation, exams, and other services offering “public accommodation”
- Says nothing about web accessibility explicitly but often used as basis for legal complaint because of word “public accommodation”
- Title II: state & local gov’ts, Title III: private places of “public accommodation”
- Enforced by US Dept of Justice Civil Rights Division (for education institutions, US Dept of Education Office of Civil Rights)
What is the Ontarians with Disabilities Act of 2001?
- Ensures rights of people with disabilities to equal opportunities and to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability
What is the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)?
- Applies to every person or org in the public and private sectors of the Province of Ontario
What is the EU Employment Equality Directive?
- Adopted 2000, prohibits discrimination based on disability in employment and occupation and requires reasonable accommodation for people with disabilities
- Anti-Discrimination Directed (for realms outside of employment) was proposed but not adopted. In healthcare, EU members fall into 4 categories: (1) prohibits discrimination, (2) requires reasonable accommodation, (3) both, (4) neither
What is Japan’s Act on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities?
- Est 2013
- Prohibits discrimination based on disability and requires orgs & private entities to provide necessary accommodations that remove barriers that ppl with disabilities face
What are procurement laws?
Refers to process of gov’t entities purchasing goods/services from external sources
What is Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act in the U.S.?
Require U.S. gov’t to take accessibility into account when procuring information technologies. Applies to anyone working with gov’t also
What is the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation?
- Section 508 applied to federal gov’t & agencies
- Federal employees with disabilities should have equivalent to access to info as people without disabilities
- People with disabilities looking for info from federal gov’t/agency should have equivalent access to info
What is the European Web Accessibility Directive (Directive 2016/2102)?
- Establishes accessibility requirements that the public sector must have for websites & mobile apps
- Doesn’t require procurement of accessible solutions (unlike Section 508 of U.S.)
- Requires websites/apps must be accessible, accessibility statement, method for users to report accessibility issues, and link to enforcement procedures
- Refers directly to European standard EN 301 549
What is Europe’s EN 301 549 standard?
- European Web Accessibility Directive refers to it
- Originally created to provide accessibility requirements for all ICT products/services
- Set up to create equal European procurement requirements in terms of accessibility
- Like Section 508 in U.S.
- Parts of it refer to WCAG 2.1 level AA and additional requirements for downloadable docs, mobile apps, biometrics, 2-way voice communication, accessibility documentation, support services
What is EU Directive 2019/882?
- Like European Web Accessibility Directive/EU Directive 2016/2102 but applies for private sector
- E-commerce, banking, e-books, electronics
- Does not directly refer to EU Standard EN 301 549
What is the European Accessibility Act (EAA)?
- Adopted 2019, like ADA in U.S.
- Common set of accessibility guidelines for EU member states
- Identifies products/services identified as most important for people with disabilities (e.g. computers, ATMs, ticketing/check-in machines, smartphones, TV equipment, phone services, access to audio-visual media services, transportation, banking, e-books, e-commerce)
- Common rules that must be applied from 2025, incl. requirements for private businesses
- Non-gov’t orgs, national authority, or other bodies are allow to go to court on behalf of a person under national law
- Permits penalties for failure to comply
- EU member states are each responsible for enforcing
What is the EU Procurement Directive (Directive 2014/24/EU)?
- Technical specifications of something being procured has to take accessibility into account
- A supplier could be excluded from contract if they violate accessibility rules
- Electronic means of communication should also take accessibility into account
What is the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA) of 2010?
- Makes sure accessibility laws from 80s & 90s are brought up to date with 21st century technologies
- Applies to all entities covered by FCC regulations (telecommunication providers and TV broadcasters & providers)
- Enforced by consumers filing formal complaints
What is U.S. Congress’s Air Carrier Access Act (ACAA)?
- Prohibits discrimination on basis of disability in air travel and requires air carriers to accommodate passengers with disabilities
- Public-facing content of websites must conform to WCAG AA (all U.S. carriers and foreign carriers’ pages used to sell to U.S.)
- Applies to U.S. and foreign air carriers operating within or to U.S.
- Enforced by consumers filing formal complaints
What is U.S. Congress’s Air Carrier Access Amendments Act of 2017?
- Makes sure ACAA is up to date to 21st century
What is the EU Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD)?
- Governs EU wide coordination of national legislation on all audiovisual media
- Services by media service providers have to be made accessible to persons with disabilities through proportionate measures
- Emergency info must be made accessible
- Encourages media service providers to develop accessibility action plans
What is the European Electronic Communications Code (EU Directive 2018/1972)?
- Lays out rules that facilitate provision of high quality, secure, and affordable telecommunication services throughout Europe, including providing equivalent access to users with disabilities
- Service info (e.g. price, summary) and easily readable contract summary are in accessible format
- Accessible missing children/child helpline hotlines and emergency services and emergency communication
- Requires support for consumers with disabilities and specific equipment for equal access should be available & affordable
What is the EU eIDAS regulation?
- Regulation on electronic identification and trust services
- Trust services like electronic signatures & end-user products are accessible for people with disabilities
What is the French Law 2005-102?
- Like U.S. ADA
- Ensuring physical and digital accessibility for people with disabilities
- French gov’t sites & public services have to comply with RGAA (like WCAG AA)
What is Germany’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Has BITV 2 (modified version of WCAG)
What is Ireland’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t sites must comply with Code of Practice on Accessibility of Public Services & Information provided by Public Bodies (based on WCAG)
What is Italy’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t sites must comply with Law 4/2004 (Stanca Law), based on WCAG 2.0, AA
What is Netherland’s digital accessibility requirement?
- All gov’t websites & apps must comply with WCAG AA
- Many private websites need to be accessible by 2025
What is Spain’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t websites must comply with Law 34/2002, Law 51/2003, based on WCAG 2.0, Level AA
What is Quebec’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t websites must comply with Standards sur l’accessibilite du Web (modified version of WCAG 2.0, Level AA)
What is Australia’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t and non-gov’t websites need to comply with WCAG 2.0 Level AA
What is Hong Kong’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t websites must comply with WCAG Level AA
What is India’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t websites must comply with WCAG Level AA
What is Japan’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Central & local gov’t websites must comply with Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) X 8341 (“Guidelines for older persons and persons with disabilities - Information and communications equipment, software & services”), based on WCAG
What is New Zealand’s digital accessibility requirement?
- Gov’t websites must comply with Web Accessibility Standard 1.1 (based on WCAG 2.1) and Web Usability Standard 1.3