Accepted Student Slide-Deck Flashcards
Slide 2: Welcome Home
Welcome, thank you and congrats on your acceptance, thanks to parents for all their support in the process.
We are in the top 4% of institutions (Mention the prestige of the university as a way to build the sense of accomplishment).
“It is important to reflect on all the support you received along the way. You all earned the right to be here, but it still wouldn’t be possible without your support system and college is often a family decision and investment. Take a moment to thank all those who helped you reach this milestone.” -LUKE
Slide 3: Welcome Video
“Welcome home! This is the number one phrase I want you to be thinking of today as you visit Mines as an accepted student. This is potentially your home for 4 years of your life.” Luke
“Mines students peak when they design the next STEM invention that changes the world in a positive way.” Luke
To continue introducing you to school of Mines I want to share a quick video that highlights Homecoming weekend. We have traditions, pride, and a great sense of community.” Luke
As you can see- as rigorous as Mines courses are, we still know how to have fun and build a sense of community here on campus. From the M-Climb to E-days, to our great athletic teams we have many fun events in which students can participate.
Slide 4: Welcome Home (2)
“I hope you get a sense of home here. Whatever institution you pick, you want to choose a university with the best Fit. Academic, emotional, financial fit. We recognize you have many options, but we hope you feel like Mines is the best fit for you. “ Luke
This is going to be your new home and in order to celebrate a momentous life-transition we hold a special ceremony. The M-climb is a symbolic gesture that commemorates the creation of a new home and community. The rock you bring represents the pieces of yourself you will contribute to Mines, the rock you take represents all the influences you carry with you as you move forward.
The M-climb started in 1908 by 250 students, 20 faculty and a team of burros.
Herbert Everest’s descriptive geometry problem. Additions were made to the M to modernize it, 2003 remote control, 2008 LED Bulbs.
A part of freshman orientation since 1951.
Slide 6: A Sense of Place
“Raise your hand if this is the first time you have been to campus…okay, we do have folks who have never been here before, and that is AWESOME! To give you the basics.” Luke
“To start, you have to look at our location. I don’t know if there is a better place to live and study than Golden CO. I encourage you to take a walk into Downtown Golden during your day and check out what it has to offer. If you want a burger, go to Bobs Atomic, Pizza at Woody’s, any other restaurant recs let me know.”
It embraces being a college town, but you still have access to a big city. You would live in a city with amazing connections for STEM.”
“Red Rocks is one of the best places to see a concert in the country.”
We are very grateful for and proud of our universities site and situation. The location could not be much better. It is a pocket city, that has preserved a unique sense of place in the face of placeless-ness of the expanding Denver Metro. North and South Table provide a natural geographic boundary that keep Golden feeling small and personable.
Slide 6: Sense of place.
45+ Restaurants, 14 Coffee Shops/Bakeries and 3 grocery stores within walking distance. 25+ hiking trails in Golden. 20 museums/cultural icons in Den and beyond.
8 open spaces in Jefferson County.
Right off 70 with incredible access to all the outdoor opportunities beyond the front range.
Slide 7: Endless opportunity
“There are going to be a lot of ways to find your people while you’re here. We have over 250 clubs and organizations that range from fraternities and sororities, professional clubs, fun clubs like outdoor adventure clubs even a cheese board club.”
“Theme Park engineers club, for people who want to be imagineers for Disney or work on rollercoasters.”
“Athletic powerhouse, division 2, great football and basketball (both men’s and women’s basketball ranked in top 10.”
“Everyone lives on campus in residence halls freshman year…bit of a bombshell, but you cannot bring your cars on campus as a freshman.”
“You will not have a car, but mobility won’t be limited. You get RTD card for free and can make it to the airport and other cities. This close to 70 allows us to hop out into the mountains.”
250+ organizations; 18 Athletic Teams; 9 Residence halls; 5+ Student Professional Societies; 12 ski resorts within an hour; tons of hiking.
Slide8: Anything but traditional
“A lot of traditions that define Mines and you are going to hear about them on your tour. Youll hear about the M climb. only university in the world that requires freshmen to bring a 10 lbs Rock.”
“E-Days in the spring, Large scale fireworks show, concerts.”
Fantastic Traditions: The M-Climb, Homecoming, E-days
Slide9: A Balanced Experience
“Goldilocks university… We have about 5,400 undergraduate students and 1,600 Graduate students. So at any one point we have 7,000 total on campus. We have a lot of out of state. Are the out of state students left behind? No, we have students from all over the country and there is never a quiet weekend between studying for the next exam and other events. “
“Thanks to the student that came from Delaware, so now we can say we have all 50 states represented… at 49 for 3 years.”
5,700+ Undergrads; 1,600 Graduate Students; 1,500 First Year
$5% Out of State; 50 States Represented; 80 Countries represented.
Slide10: A Balanced Experience
“You’re going to get that small academic experience at the same time. A you start the class size will be about 34 and as you progress into your major it will drop into low 20’s. 97% of courses taught by faculty. “(Mention some of the prestigious faculty we have and their cool accomplishments).
“At most STEM schools’ women only make up 25%, so we are happy that a third of our students are women.”
16:1 Student Faculty Ratio; 34 Avg Class Size; 97% Classes taught by faculty; 92% First Year Retention Rate
Although we are small, we are more diverse than comparable institutions. 32% Female; 24% Underrepresented. SWE (Society of Women Engineers) -Largest Chapter of the Organization in the USA
Slide12: World Class Academics
“When it comes to academics the word NERD is not a four-letter word, it is a way of life. We are the nerds in the mountains. We have over 40+ undergraduate majors. We don’t make you declare a major until the end of your second year. You might have listed a major, but it is not a commitment. When you are accepted to Mines you are accepted into all programs. If you know what you want to study, great. If you don’t know, great. As long as you want to study STEM you can choose anything.” Luke
“Lots of Minors to add onto your major. You could minor in STEM subject, or you could do music, of social leadership and responsibility. “
“We have a first-year research program for undergraduates. We are an R1 research university that is still focused on undergraduate experience.”
Top of Engineering and Applied Science Programs in the Country.
40+ Undergrad Majors; 50+Minors and AOS’; 6 honors& Scholars programs
1/146 R1 Designated Research Universities in USA; over 4,000 universities in the USA. Roughly about 3.65 % of all degree granting 4-year institutions have R1 designation.
#2 Nationally for combining classroom instruction with research (Wall Street Journal).
60+ Study Abroad Programs
Slide13: Hands on Learning
“Youre gonna get a lot of hands on learning. We do not build classroom engineers and scientists, we build real-world engineers and scientists.
Cornerstone Design “A RealWorld company will come in, pose a real-world problem. 2019 BLM and CDOT said they have an invasive species problem, solve it. One of them is the zebra mussel. They developed a spray to prevent the mussels from being able to attach. Another group did sensors on helmets to detect impact force and risk of concussion.”
“You do other hands-on projects, and which all culminate in the Capstone Design project. All students do it senior year. Formula SAE racing cars, converting minivans to electric, designed lunar rover prototypes. “
- Cornerstone Design - Students join teams, work on a specific applied problem with faculty guidance.
- Field Session - As important as the classroom is, getting field work experience is even more powerful. Work with an industry partner to solve a specific issue on a real project.
- Undergraduate Research - Not just Graduate students, but many undergraduate research opportunities, including one in the first year.
- Capstone Design - The cornerstone provides a structural foundation for everything you will undertake at Mines. The CAPSTONE will be the final touches on the megalithic tomb of your education. A very defined beginning and end.
Slide15: Putting it All Together
“One of things we hear a lot about is whether college is worth it or not. This is a lot of money you are about to put in. You want to know about the return on that investment. The avg. starting salary after graduation is 79,000, and six of our programs have starting salaries starting at 100,000. If you’re wondering if you are going to get a high paying job post-graduation, we have the connections to make that happen. “
One of the best stats to showcase the value of a Mines education is the 1,300+ companies that recruit on campus. That number is larger than the number of students we graduate in a year.”
“A mines alum is like the Navy Seal of STEM. The industry knows the power of our alums. “
The skills and experience you build during your degree program have intrinsic value, but ultimately education is a financial investment. So it is important to understand the economic value holding a degree from Mines imparts upon graduates.
Starting Salary=$76,000; #1 Public School in the West with highest salaries 10 years post-graduation. #1 Best Value College in CO
495 STEM-related employers at Mines Career Fair; 1,300 companies actively recruiting Mines Students. 95% Report Positive Outcomes within 6 months.
Slide17: Things to Remember (going forward)
“So, you have been accepted, you’ve heard a bit about us. Now you’re probably wondering what’s next. In the next few minutes, I want to talk about all the emails we have sent you and give you an overview of the timeline.”
“Admitted in Late December, after you’re accepted you can apply for additional scholarships. All scholarship apps are due by March 1.”
The big date that a lot of you are probably looking for is April 1st is the day when you can start the hosing application process. There is one kicker about the housing app process. Although it opens April 1st, you cannot submit a housing app until you have committed to the university. Must pay the enrollment deposit of $200 and say yes. BUT you have until May 1st to make a decision about school. Some folks get nervous, I need time to make my decision. Will you ever run out of housing? NO. As long as you commit by May 1st you will be guaranteed housing. Don’t pick a university based on the dorms, pick it based on how it will help you reach your goals. Take your time and make the right decision.”
you Priority Deadline Nov1; Decisions Released Starting in December; Scholarship apps open Early December; Special Program applications open=Early January; Scholarship App Priority Deadline =March 1st; Housing App Opens April 1; National Decision Day = May 1st.
Slide18: Doing the Math
“Cost is a huge part of the conversation… We are a public university, so we do have two different rates. Out of state folks, keep in mind it is very hard to get residency in CO, so you will likely pay out of state rate all four years.”
“As you prepare your budget keep in mind that there are direct and indirect costs. Tuition, Room and Board, and Fees are Direct. The others are the variable expenses based on the student.” Luke
We have financial aid professionals to help with the cost of attendance. There are direct costs and indirect costs. Direct= Tuition, Room and Board, Fees.
Non-Direct= Books and Supplies, Personal Expenses
Slide19: Doing the Math
“We offer scholarships two different ways. The first avenue is automatic considerations scholarships. When you submitted your application we double looked at it to determine if a Merit award is applicable.
When you applied to us in Nov. you had not finished your senior year, send a new academic information by 1st of March. possibility of an additional 1-2,000 dollars.
General Scholarship Application= Additional Scholarships.
Then there are Outside scholarships. Forbes -100, million went unawarded because not enough student applied.”
As soon as you are accepted/admitted, you are automatically entered into consideration for Merit scholarships (No additional application required). Not every admitted student gets a merit award.
Resident=1-6,000 dollars; Non-resident= 6-14,000 dollars (Per Year).
*Additional Academic info may be submitted for consideration through March 1 of the student’s senior year. If your GPA increases, or another accomplishment completed, you may be eligible for more merit award.
Beyond the general merit scholarship offers, there are additional scholarship opportunities (However, they do require additional applications). Availability is limited.
Apps are open from Dec to March of the student’s senior year
Look to for more information.
Slide 20: Special Opportunities
“The applications to Mines do not stop there. We have two Honors programs. The Thorson and Granby program. For college, honors really mean enriching, not harder necessarily.”
“FYSAE you would spend your first year in France. Unique study abroad for a STEM school. Competitive application, usually send 30 students per year. There is a Webinar. “
“Two ROTC detachments, Mines has one of the longest standing ROTC Legacies programs of any college. We have Army and Airforce. “
Honors- Special Communities based on interests and demographic.
Not restricted by GPA or access to accelerated courses in highschool
FYSAE - first year study abroad Antibes
ROTC- Army and Airforce only
Scholarship opens to a variety of students
Slide21: Joining the Community
There is an orientation experience that you need to keep in mind. It is called Helluva Welcome week and includes a ton of programming. It also includes Oredigger Camp which is a mountain retreat for the whole incoming class.
Once you commit, you will have access to Housing applications starting April 1st. May 19th is the last day to start the housing app.
Living on campus- all first-year students must live on campus and cannot have a car.
Oredigger Camp- Spend 2 1/2 days in Estes Park, teambuilding /meet and greet.
Slide22: One Last Reminder
“Does this ring a bell? My.Mines, Applicant Portal? There are two portals that you interact with us through. The Applicant portal is how you got your admissions decision. My.Mines you claim upon admission. These work together over the next few months. The applicant portal has the incoming Oredigger checklist. If you are wondering what you need to do to get ready check application portal, it will direct you. Eventually your applicant portal will go away, and My.Mines will be your portal as a current student.
“There are times when we have to call students and tell them that Senioritis got the best of them, and we no longer are the best fit. Finish Strong!”
“Take the summer to recharge, take the time to enjoy it, take a trip, we have plenty of calc here. Do not take a class over the summer.”
“We’re going to get you all outside to see the campus and bring in our student ambassadors to give you their perspective on Mines campus and student life. “
Tips- Check and READ email! Review incoming Oredigger Checklist. Access portal at
Can’t Miss Dates- March 1 = Gen. Scholarship application date. Orientation registration opens. April 1= Housing App opens, May 1 National decision day.
Action Items- Connect with our new student communities on social media. Find your rock for the M-Climb!