Accent & Dialect Flashcards
The study of accents and dialects
“Working class children use their strong dialects to be comedic or derisive in nature”
Stuart Smith
“Maintaining Scottish features for middle class speakers equals weaker social networks”
“Regional dialects score high regarding friendliness and sincerity traits”
“Birmingham accents are percieved as less intelligent since they link to crime”
“Status and solidarity values concerns with thinking about people in relation to yourself”
Milroy & Milroy
“High network strength scores are correlated with non standard forms”
“Non standard English and a person’s social class are linked”
Katz & Postal
“Negative ‘wh’ questions in dialect are declarative counterparts”
“Spoken colloquial language is not linked to written modes”
Macafee & O’Baoill
“Scottish English functions are viewed in a temporal or exclamatory sense”
“English regional phonology and lexis are more salient than regional morphosyntax”
“Speech codes are like dress codes as they have been relaxed”
Define “Dialect Levelling”
Dialects are not distinct due to media articles and travel
Define “Bidialectism”
Possessing two dialect forms
Define “Koineisation”
Creating new languages through mixing dialect forms