Accent And Dialect Flashcards
What is a glottal stop?
Omission of the ‘t’ in the middle of a word
What is a labiodental feature?
The turning of a th into a V i.e brother to bruver
What is code switching?
- The ability of multilingual people to switch between different accents
What is a shibboleth?
A language item used as a marker or test in group membership
What is a diphthong?
Two letters used to create a sound
What is prosodics?
The soundtrack of the words e.g,. Intonation,the rhythm or pitch
What is linguistic accommodation?
When speakers accent and dialect becomes more like people they are with
What is a non prestige variant?
The opposite of received pronunciation
What is an idiomatic phrase?
- A phrase that has an accepted meaning
What is paralanguage?
- The other vocal effects and non verbal behaviour- similar to prosodics
What is elision?
Omission of sounds
What is a hierarchical geographical features?
The process by which dialectal features travel down from an urban centre to a small town
What were the two studies Labov conducted and what do they prove?
- New York stores study- ‘rhotic r in words such as floor’- USed to distinguish social class as higher classes used the rhotic ‘r’ more
- Martha’s Vineyard- That residents will adapt their language in order to distinguish themselves from holiday makers to try and ascertain covert prestige
What did Trudgill study and what did it show?
- Norwich study
- That the higher the social class the more standard language forms and the more closer to prestige
What did Petyt’s study show?
Bradford study- H dropping
- People from a lower social class dropped almost all H’s
What is the Matched guise theory?
People will rate speakers based on their accent quality and this may have a negative impact on a person. Can be influenced by elocution lessons.
What did Dixon,Mahoney and Cocks suggest about people accents?
Peoples accents have an effect on peoples impressions and that standard accents will be rated more positively (More trustworthy)
What is dialect levelling?
Where distinct dialects are disappearing and becoming more of a standardised dialect =
What did Fox state about MLE?
Second and third immigrants are the most likely to use MLE followed by white boys and lastly white girls