Acceleration Flashcards
Remeber velocity
What is acceleration?
Accerlartion doe snot mean moving faster.
The rate of change in velocity
Remember velocity is speed with direction in motion (vector quantity)
Accelration can only occur if there is a change in velocity like a chnage in direction or speed.
Remeber what is accelartion- the rate of change in velocity.
What is the equation for accelration?
Accelration= change in velocity/ time taken
In exam paper could be written as a= (traingle)v/t
Change in velocity= v-u (final velocity - intial velocity)
What is the untits for Accerlartion?
the ^2 comes from velcoity=m/s and time=s so m/s^2
What is the units for velocity?
What is the units for time?
If an object is speeding up is it accelarting of decelrating?
It is getting faster
If an object is slowing down is it accelrating or decelrating?
It is getting slower
True or false?
The acceleration of an object can be positive or negative, depending on whether the object is speeding up or slowing down
If an object is speeding up is postive, if slowing down is negative.