Academics Lesson II—Vocabulary & Derivatives Flashcards
Questions Influenced by Imperium by Julian Morgan, Liber Digitalis by David Jackson, and the NCEE Study Guide
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun poēta.
poēta, poētae, m.—poet
Fun Fact: We get words like poet, poetics, and poetical from poēta, which confers with the Greek word ποιέω.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun fēmina.
fēmina, fēminae, f.—woman
Fun Fact: We get words like female, feminine, and feminism from fēmina.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun aqua.
aqua, aquae, f.—water
Fun Fact: We get words like aquarium, aquatic, aqueous, and ewer from aqua.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun agricola.
agricola, agricolae, m.—farmer
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun fābula.
fābula, fābulae, f.—story
Give the meaning for the Latin adverb nōn.
Give the meaning for the Latin preposition in (+abl.).
in (+abl.)—in, on
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun dea.
dea, deae, f.—goddess
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun incola.
incola, incolae, m.—inhabitant
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun nauta.
nauta, nautae, m.—sailor
Fun Fact: We get words like nautical from nauta, which confers with the Greek word ναῦς.
Give the meaning for the Latin adverb ita (vērō).
ita (vērō)—yes, thus, so
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun casa.
casa, casae, f.—house
Fun Fact: We get words like casino from casa.
Give the meaning for the Latin conjunction sed.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun puella.
puella, puellae, f.—girl
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun īnsula.
īnsula, īnsulae, f.—island
Fun Fact: We get words like insular, insulate, insulation, insulator, isle, islet, isolate, and isolation from īnsula.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun cēna.
cēna, cēnae, f.—dinner
Fun Fact: We get words like cenacle from cēna.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun terra.
terra, terrae, f.—earth, land, ground
Fun Fact: We get words like terrace, terrestrial, terrier, territory, and territorial from terra.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun via.
via, viae, f.—road, street, way
Fun Fact: We get words like voyage and voyager from via.
Give the dictionary entry for the Latin noun silva.
silva, silvae, f.—forest
Fun Fact: We get words like savage, sylvan, and Pennsylvania from silva.
Give the meaning for the Latin conjunction et.