Absolute Monarchs Flashcards
What country failed to develop a middle class in the 1500’s because the tax burden on the lower classes prevented their ability to begin businesses?
Who wrote Don Quixote
Who replaced the Italians as the bankers of Europe
the dutch
William of Orange helped free what country from what Spanish control?
The Netherlands
Philip II believed it was his duty to defend what religion from its enemies in Europe and the Ottoman Empire
What republic formed in the 16th century was an unusual type of government for Europe
The United Provinces of Netherlands
What country’s Armada was defeated by the English navy
What was the name of Louis XIV’s palace
Who was known as the sun king
Louis XIV
who was the minister to Louis XIV whose polices drove nobles to rebel against a boy king
Who was the minister to Louis XII who took steps to strengthen the power of the monarchy at the expense of the Huguenots and the nobility?
what group fought against Catholics in eight wars in France between 1562 and 1598
What conflict made France the most powerful country in Europe
Thirty Years War
Who was a writer who became a skeptic and developed the essay form
Who was the Protestant prince who became a Catholic King
Henry of Navarre
Who was the king who increased the power of the intendants at the expense of the nobility
Louis XIV
what was the name of a declaration of religious tolerance issued by Henry IV and canceled by Louis XIV
Edict of Nantes
who were government agents who collected taxes and administered justice
who was the first king of the Bourbon dynasty
Henry of Narvarre
Who was the minister of finance under Louis XIV whose policies of mercantilism caused France’s economy to grow and prosper
Jean Baptiste Colbert
Who won most of the early battles of the Thirty Years War
The Hapsburgs
what country did Frederick II lead
In Europe, what were the results of the Seven Years War
no change in land
what county was Austria’s greatest enemy
The War of Austrian Succession was fought over lands belonging to what, whom?
Belonging to Maria Theresa, to inherit the Habsburg lands
who was Ivan the Terrible’s cruelty aimed at
Why was the site St. Petersburg chosen
Peter the Great wanted a seaport to make traveling to the west easier, he built the city of St. Petersburg on the Neva River
What was Peter the Great’s main reason for visiting the west
he wanted to learn European customs and manufacturing techniques
Who was the first czar of Russia
Ivan the Terrible
At the time Peter the Great took the throne, what group was most essential to the Russian economy
Who were the boyars
Russia’s landowning nobles
What time period began when Charles II took the throne
What king of England was tried and put to death
Charles I
What Calvinist king of Scotland inherited Elizabeth I’s throne as well a her conflicts with Parliament
William of Orange
What Puritan leader ruled England after the end of the English Civil War
Oliver Cromwell
What Puritan leader abolished the monarchy and ruled as a military dictator
Oliver Cromwell
What king of England lost the English Civil War
Charles I
What type of government did James I believe should exist
Absolute Monarchy
What prevented Monarchs from jailing people for purely political reasons and from indefinitely holding prisoners without trial
Habeas Corpus
What document made it clear the limits on royal power after the Glorious Revolution
Bill of Rights