ABSITE Killer Flashcards
Howship Romberg sign
Inner thigh pain with internal rotation (obturator hernia)
Which nerve traverses the inguinal canal and what does it provide sensation to?
Ilioinguinal nerve; sensation to superomedial thigh and scrotum
Which nerve runs on the spermatic cord?
G branch of GF nerve
What is a spigelian hernia?
Inferior to linea semicircularis, through lines of semilunaris, deep to external oblique; incarcerates bowel
Petit’s hernia
Inferior lumbar triangle (iliac crest, external oblique, lat dorsi)
Gynfel’ts hernia
Superior lumbar triangle
What kind of cells do you see on path for a Krukenberg tumor?
Signet cells
What is Meig’s syndrome?
Pelvic tumor, ascites, hydrothorax
What is the most common peripheral aneurysm?
Popliteal aneurysm; 50% bilateral, 1/3 have AAA; risk of emboli and thrombosis
1 visceral aneurysm
Splenic; Resect if >2 cm, child bearing or planning pgx, or symptomatic
AAA rupture risk based on size
< 5 cm 20% 5 year risk; 5-7 cm 33% 5 year risk, > 7 95% 5 year risk (increased risk with HTN, COPD)
Bloody diarrhea in the first few days following AAA repair demands…
Sigmoidoscopy to evaluate for ischemic colon, due to loss of IMA – take to OR if necrosis
Initial treatment of claudication
Smoking cessation, exercise, not SURGERY
! CN nerve injury with CEA
Vagus, hoarseness
FM dysplasia
Young woman; R renal artery most likely involved; amenable to angioplasty
Atherosclerosis pathology
Type I foam cells (lipids in macrophages), II fibrointiimal lesion; smooth muscle proliferation, III disruption exposes collagen/thrombosis
What are markers for non-seminomatous testicular cancer?
How do you find out of a testicular cancer is cancer?
Orchiectomy via inguinal incision; never transscrotal
Are seminomas radio-sensitive?
Node + seminoma gets what kind of CTX?
Platinum CTX
Orchiopexy for cryptoorchidism increases/decreases risk for ca/fertility
Increases fertility; does not decrease cancer risk
How do you treat testicular torsion?
Bilateral orchipexy
L gonadal vein drains into L renal vein or IVC
L renal vein
How do you diagnose uretheral injury?