ABS Train Disabled Flashcards
What is considered a disabled train?
When (due to a fault that cannot be rectified) a train cannot be moved under its own power
What steps are required if a train stops midsection? (7)
- Check not derailed or fouling a parallel line
- Secure the train
- Contact TC (TEC/REC)
- Tell them what’s happening and obtain Track Access if required
- State location and length of train
- Make a PA announcement
- Fault finding
How does a driver declare a train disabled?
Contact the Train Controller (TEC/REC) and declare the train disabled.
To which direction does the driver protect the train, and how far do they go?
Whichever direction they are told by the Train Controller
500m or the first fixed signal
What are the first two steps after declaring a train disabled?
- Fill in a Driver’s Relief Authority
- Dictate the DRA to the Train Controller
When can a disabled train be moved?
Only AFTER the Driver’s Relief Authority has been cancelled (by the arriving relief driver)
In a locally controlled location, how does the relief driver obtain the Train Authority?
Handed by the controlling signaller (who had it dictated to them from TC)
In a remotely controlled location, how does the relief driver obtain the Train Authority?
Dictated to them by the Train Controller
When can a Train Authority for a relief train be issued?
Only after the disabled train is protected by the driver
What does the driver of a disabled train do (after filling out a DRA)? (7)
- Obtain track access (if required)
- Secure the train (full cab unattended)
- Take DRA, train radio, red hand signals and operational torch
- Ensure red marker lights are illuminated on back of train (potentially also activate emergency marker lights)
- Proceed to 500m from train OR first (properly facing) fixed signal at stop
- Display a red hand signal
- Inform TC that train is protected
When assisting a train to the rear, what does the relieving driver need?
A Train Authority (and/or a proceed signal; if no proceed signal possible, must use Track Circuited Exception to pass)
What speed does a train assisting to the rear travel?
Per signals up until the signal protecting the train; then 15km/h
What are the 5 Cs?
Confer (with the driver)
Couple (the trains)
Cancel (the DRA)
Continuity (test the trains)
Contact (the TC to get permission to move)
If the assisting train is already in the block section and is approaching from the rear, does the relief driver need a Train Authority?
No; merely stop and talk to the TC to ascertain location of disabled train
When clearing the section after assisting from the rear, what directs the driver?
Wait until permission to move has been given by TC
Then move in direction stated on the Train Authority