Abomasum Flashcards
- what is the abomasum
- if it reduces contractility what happens? (6)
- glandular stomach: HCL, pepsin, rennin
- controlled by gastrin and somatostatin
- contracts 18-20/day
if reduced contractility:
- hyponaturaemia
- hypocalcaemia
- hypochloraemia
- hypokalaemia
- metabolic acidosis
- ketosis and acidosis
- LDA: 90-95%
- 1 month PP
- high yeilding dairy coes
- change in postion between 30 and 60 days before parturition
displacement prevention
- avoid ketosis
- reduce stress
displacement diagnosis
- ping of a “tin can”
- puncture
- US
- roll cow
- blind tack/toggle pin
- surgical
- laparoscopic
- abomasaly pyloropexy/ omentopexy
- surigcal (5)
- -abomasaly pyloropexy/ omentopexy (2)
- reoccurrence
- rupture of abomasum
- reduced motility
- peritonitis
- milk vein perforation
- adhesions
- peritonitis
RDA volvulus
volvulus has a distended abomasum and fluid
twist around the central axis in the lesser omentum is often clockwise
- auscultation and percussion over ribs 9-13 on right
- ballotement: splashing sound
-hypochloraemia, hypokalaemia, metabolic alkalosis
Tx: counter clockewise: omentum is pulled ventrally
1: non-perforating ulcers without bleeding
2: ulcers with bleeding in the abomasal lumen
3: perforating ulcers with local aseptic peritonitis
4: perforating ulcers with septic peritonitis
hyperacidity: mucous secretion
hypersecretion: bicarboate secretion
zytotoxic substances: epithelium regeneration
ulceration CS
dcereased intake and rumination
- pain
- anaemia
- melaena
ulceration Dx
- CS
- pain provocation test
- gastrin and pepsinogen concentration
- abdominocentesis
ulceration Tx
- diet
- oral antacids (magnesium oxide, aluminium hydroxide)