Abnormal Psychology Final Flashcards
What is bulimia nervosa?
An eating disorder that involves recurrent episodes of binge eating followed by compensatory actions to remove the food, such as purging.
What are the social causes of bulimia nervosa?
May be related to mass media portraying the ‘ideal’ woman to be thin; attempting to diet often leads to obesity and dissatisfaction with one’s body.
What are the biological causes of bulimia nervosa?
Seems to have a biological component; people with low serotonergic activity are more likely to get the disorder.
What are the psychological causes of bulimia nervosa?
Anxiety focused on appearance and presentation to others; distorted body image.
What is a common treatment for bulimia nervosa?
Antidepressant medications and informing the patient about the ineffectiveness and dangers of purging.
What is anorexia nervosa?
An eating disorder characterized by recurrent food refusal, leading to dangerously low body weight.
What are the causes of anorexia nervosa?
Similar to bulimia, but individuals often succeed with purging behaviors and may be proud of this; often linked to successful families with a bigger emphasis on external appearances.
What is the primary goal of treating anorexia nervosa?
To get the individual back to a healthier weight.
What is binge-eating disorder (BED)?
A pattern of eating involving stress-inducing binges not followed by purging behaviors.
What is a common treatment for binge-eating disorder?
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), similarly to bulimia.
What are dyssomnias?
Problems going to sleep or getting enough sleep.
What is insomnia?
A condition in which insufficient sleep interferes with normal functioning.
What is narcolepsy?
A sleep disorder involving sudden and irresistible sleep attacks.
What are the three types of sleep apnea?
Obstructive, complete, and sleep-related hypoventilation.
What is the circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorder?
Sleep disturbances resulting in sleepiness or insomnia, caused by the body’s inability to synchronize its sleep patterns with the current pattern of day and night.